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Everything posted by albundy1089

  1. They could just add cameras to the apartment they lived in from March to Sept last year. I'm guessing they still have access to it. But I'm sure it isn't as nice as the villa.
  2. She would chew him up and spit him out like yesterday's bubblegum. Nelly would have to get him out of there to save his life😅
  3. They think they are supermodels or something. When they were in B2 I watched them a bit and noticed that they never have genuine facial or body expressions, no personality at all. Every time they walk, talk or move it is a pose, every position is calculated to the camera angle. They never really join anything that is going on, they attend to be seen. RLC could have brought in programmed robots and they would be more interesting. At least with robots there is a chance of an unplanned programming glitch. I have almost quit watching B4 now that they are there, and with B1 as bad as it is, thinking seriously of canceling my subscription again. It depends on the replacements for Pam & Tesla.
  4. Looks like it. That's why I asked Noldus if she was local. Doesn't look like airplane packing.
  5. @Noldus Does Pam live in Barc full time? I saw she was packing a bunch of stuff in plastic bags...not sure if Ukrainian International will accept those as checked baggage. Or going into Fed Ex boxes?
  6. It could work easily, she may just have a longer commute (the villa is exactly 25 minutes from their apartment}-remember somebody mentioned they talked about getting a car. Or Google shows pages of schools in Hospitality/Tourism in Barcelona. Go to a campus closer to the new home. It's all theoretical discussion anyhow, but logistically it could be done.
  7. I could see where there may be a benefit to that. Just some thoughts off the top of my head: M&A know the city, they have friends (probably more than we have seen). Martina would be a great hostess and intro person to the Barca scene. Alberto is so laid back he would not infringe on the girls-he would probably just go to the garage, play video games and be in "Alberto heaven". If he is actually working and getting a weekly paycheck it could help him find a real job in his field (you always find a job when your not looking as hard). And, most important, Martina's personality is so much more pleasant and open compared to Nelly it would be a more comfortable environment. Then they can give their current apt to Pam & Radi!
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