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Everything posted by albundy1089

  1. Yes, they have become rather domesticated. They were a lot more fun and engaging when they were planning the wedding, doing photoshoots, exercising and generally doing something (anything but Linda sitting on the sofa looking at her phone and Tibor sitting in the GR looking at his computer). They were one of my favorite couple's-almost like the old days before the purge. Now I hardly look at them.
  2. You have given us the spoiler. Thanks. Now I can continue to boycott their presence.
  3. If nobody views it...does the apartment really exist?
  4. Well, they could say they were doing a "Long-Term Multinational Sociological Research Study" for an international marketing corporation.😇
  5. Yeah it is. You are still here... 7) Do not Flame-Bait, Flame, and/or Attack Other Member’s Comments or Tenants Actions Without Explaining Yourself.
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