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Everything posted by Rhdem

  1. poor guy he can't fuck Serena but the manager "yes he can"
  2. it's clear i hear moaning and saying "da" until ±02:11:40 when the manager cum (you can deny what i write) i checked it much times
  3. i tried with normalization effect of sound of my sound card drivers and i hear something the first 10 minutes (hall cam from ±02:04:30)
  4. i think she fucked the manager out when they disappeared .. i'm trying to amplify the sound and what i hear is a female moaning maybe i'm wrong but you can check
  5. thanks Anastasia the only 1 who have a brain there
  6. where serena is gone? she is disappeared in the hall cam with the manager the last picture of them before disappear
  7. maybe he don't know how many cocks she sucked
  8. Cool! are all them females? lesbians? miss cow and miss elephant
  9. i hope Alan grow up just a little ...and he don't laugh like an idiot
  10. yes i checked the timeline you have right i think he fingering her
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