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Everything posted by Rhdem

  1. this apt need to be formatted like a PC... or hard reset if u like, kick all tenants and and find new ones
  2. They woke up Mira Edit: nvm she went back to sleep... i dont know what happen
  3. he tried to open it with a little bit of force, but no problem i'm kidding
  4. and james started to explore the apt edit: ... and destroying the new sofa
  5. Count the time spent to go in Misty apt from A&A apt... it's much longer then last apt and the pizza's box is changed... have they changed city?
  6. if you want see something new look the new guest ( a bat ) who visit the bathroom at from ~3.20 AM to ~3.30 AM
  7. i don't know if can be useful but an apt whit only 1 man or men (hetero) can be interesting... they can invite more girls in their apt
  8. I miss the old times in Voro , who remember this day? the first day when Anna met Alex (06 May 2016).. im just looking my archive
  9. This mystery will remain unresolved ... it's the same thing I ask
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