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Everything posted by Rhdem

  1. lol all the playlist... I'm doing a Russian music culture 👍 i don't understand nothing but the music is good
  2. sorry Lisa (if you read here) i need to tell you but you need to be less "cold"; I do not expect you to be hot, but just a little less cold ... For example, do not just caress Misty or a girl in general only but men too
  3. i want a new apt with Dean alone no more girls alone, but men who have sex with a lot of girls
  4. Thanks for the warning @jabbath1987 but no dots are in this picture and i'm not an RLC costumer anymore about 3 years
  5. for who say Teya & Stan & Co. who move in RLC i found this in my archive (12-nov-2014) obviously I hid the logo
  6. this is the masturbation's day (3 masturbations in 3 hours) another one and it will go to history 💗💗
  7. RLC don't need our money... they have so much money to afford advanced technologies of streaming videos and apts in russia, spain (barcellona and here cost so much ), italy etc i think they take money from other parts (it's a my opinion )
  8. good idea with tokes... and i'll give a percentage to the tenants
  9. good choice RLC , we give it to you with discounts
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