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Everything posted by O_U812

  1. LOL. Henry with his stupid blue "dress" jacket on! I wonder when his creepy dick will come out. Brrrrr
  2. I'd say this is RR's house, but it's not a trailer in Bumblefuck, USA.
  3. Explain to us please where you get these fantasy numbers? Trump's asshole? You're a lying fuck.
  4. Does anybody know what's up with the crying and sad faces in the house tonight? Where's the kitten? Everything seemed happy just a few hours ago.
  5. You have a computer, look the shit up for yourself. Do some actual research, some reading, you brainwashed zombie-fuck.
  6. When MAGAts don't get their way.....not "Antifa" or BLM. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/12/21/oregon-police-arrests-covid-protests-salem-capitol/4003055001/ What difference does it make what somebody's profession is? You just lay around on your fat ass whining about everything.
  7. I finally figured it out. Ridgerunner is really Sidney Powell. That's the only logical explanation.
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