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Everything posted by O_U812

  1. There was no fraud and no cheating. They counted the votes 4 fucking times. Get over it old man.
  2. What's so funny? Is there any comment anybody can give that you don't criticize?
  3. I chose a different career path, and it was peace time when I was 18-20. Trump skipped out from a fake malady because he was a PUSSY. Big difference.
  4. Choking out is a dangerous game to play for a bit of pleasure. Who are some of these idiots on the VHTV site?
  5. What's up with the sores and bruising on Lia's face?
  6. That's an insensitive remark. You need to apologize to all special needs people with mental deficiencies. That was very Trumpy of you.
  7. It would appear to me that Marry isn't really all that excited about Ruth's arrival home. I sense a girl who would rather spend her time alone with the cats, a camera and no clothing. There's a tension that smells like break-up.
  8. You really are ignorant. Slap yourself awake dude. Damn.
  9. Wait until mid 2021 asswipe......but you'll blame Biden. Opinion | Republicans, Not Biden, Are About to Raise Your Taxes - The New York Times WWW.NYTIMES.COM President Trump built in tax increases beginning in 2021, for nearly everyone but those at the very top.
  10. Please tell me, is that Ruth or Marry?
  11. Girl (Blond), if you're going to pose nude on the bed everyday, which is wonderful, then get a Chaturbate account and make some $$$ doing it! You are beautiful, BTW. 😍
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