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Everything posted by yelt

  1. Thank you for that response. Have you heard when they will be going online or moving again? Also, I have not read much about Alberto and COVID. Do you know if he is well and if Martina is having symptoms? From reading the forum, Alberto may have gotten infected when he went out all night with Martina. Since he was not vaccinated; Right? Alberto may be hit harder than most and will hopefully not be hospitalized. Although, if he is still ill, he may want to call into the clinic for advisement.
  2. Now that Nelly and Martina (still lovers) have controlled having sex on camera; does anyone know when Bogdan and ugly Nelly will move back into the Villa or another RLC apartment for the visibility? I understand Russian subsidy is limited for them and Nelly needs currency to continue buying new necklaces and gifts for Martina.
  3. I hope he gets well soon! Its Wednesday AM here probably around 8PM Tuesday evening Barcelona time; I am wondering if Martina is out with Nelly or is she caring for Alberto as he does her all the time? It would be great if she was with him and showing that loving side. Anyone know?
  4. I don't disagree. The one item of observation I was provided that was not mentioned about Martina, is she may be getting drawn into drugs (by Bogdan and Nelly) little by little. She will always return from her day trips drunk or stoned. Is today a school day?
  5. I would say Martina wishes us to think she cares for him because he permits her do the things she wants. Something no other self-respecting guy would but up with. Since her return from visiting her father, thought she may have decided to change her behavior. Stopped the all-nighters, stop fucking Nelly (and possibly Bogdan) and other guys but guess I was wrong. She is with them now watching porno. I have often wondered if school is part of the script, and they (Martina and Alberto) are acting to keep viewership alive. I enjoy reading the forum to learn the daily events, but is what they do real-life, or partially written in the script and they have us hooked? I heard Alberto admitted to loving Martina and said “I love you” several times over the course of the past week. She did not return the same to him or did she? I viewed the most recent sexual performance between Martina and Alberto (thanks, where she appeared to be extremely gratified with anal sex. With all we’ve seen and heard she could be a sex addict and could have easily venture into the escort business. Something the self-appointed translators have never commented on hearing one way or the other. Martina's Profession: Actor, Stewardess, Singer, Student, Impersonator, Announcer, Model, Musician, Others Alberto's Profession: Actor, Others
  6. For those Christian’s that celebrate “Orthodox Easter”, “Happy Easter”!
  7. I heard bogdan did visit M&A about some repairs. I also heard he confirmed Martina was coming by for the party. Can or should anyone confirm? If she went to the party, and it was without Alberto, I would guess I was wrong and there was no sole searching or stress while she was away. How about this, will she come back drunk and drugged up?
  8. Thanks @ddhm. I have read on the forum upon the return of Martina; she may not only have missed Alberto but may have taken a step back and examined (with someone) her current and perhaps her future life situation. Was the long time away (hopefully without Nelly intervention) from Alberto, and visit with her parents and friends a time for soul searching (at last)? Could they both (M&A) have experienced a minor distress of separation? Time will tell. I hope the visit was minus Ms Nelly, but it seems I am reading no one (not even the translators) is confirming the visit was with or without her. Wow! Couldn’t the forum use a mature consistence translator? A subscription has it benefits, and without one, I missed 3 very good, apparently very long lovemaking sessions between Alberto and Martina. It sounds as if the sex (visually) between them was just that good because no one on the forum is complaining about Alberto’s time as usual. While as you mentioned @ddhm, could the outside sexual adventures of Martina provoked (with Nelly that we can confirm) second thoughts of her life with Alberto? Perhaps Alberto has done some thinking of his own? Is Alberto going to start applying his cutlery interest and go to school? While much is always written on the topic of Martina and Alberto, there ups and downs (only what we see), @ddhm you always express both the positive and negative aspects (similar to Jen), without taking to emotional stance. The exception is about the married other woman situation Martina engaged herself; which I too agree is without a doubt wrong, with no justification; and in the eyes of buddha’s as well. This uncontrollable, unforgivable, controllable desire will only lead to the demise of her hard work and planning for a good future. While she may experience the (I am young and have plenty of time syndrome) if Martina continues down the wrong path of irresponsible, disproportionate morality, it will only lead to long term pain and suffering, yet to come. It is not to say she will not experience other challenges but this one with the married woman will in time be irreversible and damaging to her future life and mental state. Thank you for your thorough vibrant writings. Much appreciated! Have a good rest of your evening. ** Jen, If the events with M&A continue, I suspect it may encourage yours and Martina’s desire for her and Alberto to have a threesome.
  9. Thank you for responding. I agree here as well for Alberto “the path to nowhere, may get worse", but I am also convinced it is most probable due to the legal battles with which he may have explained to Martina. Also, believe he is working towards something outside of RLC. I too would like to see a single Martina. However, I do not think with all her previous activities I’ve seen, she is not the live alone single type. Perhaps move in one of the other shared RLC apartments. For either, I would renew my subscription to RLC A question from the readings on the forum, I thought perhaps you might know; are there open RLC apartments occupied not on camera? I hope Martina's father is doing well. Is he her biological father or stepfather? Do we know? Today is the big return for Martina (and Nelly?). Will Martina return alone or bring a friend? Also, As we know she loves the weekend, will she return to Barcelona today or perhaps Saturday or even Sunday but not to the apartment? I cannot believe she would be in any hurry to return to that dumpy apartment. Perhaps, if the only bright part is to see the dogs. Have a good evening.
  10. @ddhm I agree with your comment “there's no M&A apartment worthy to watch without Martina". I also agree there is no Nelly without Martina as well, which would be absolutely a terrible thought. Martina, 25 years old (26 on 6/14), single, bisexual, ready for any sexual adventure out there, unafraid, available; could be a joy to watch but also might be a train wreck waiting to happen especially if there is Nelly involvement. There are a great many Martina’s (and better) in Barcelona but if the choices are left to Nelly and Bogdan..we won’t see any of them on RLC. If the two are managing this portion of RLC, it is gravely being missed managed; like the unsuccessful attempt with B4. Heres a thought, Martina managing RLC. Isn't she going to school for tourism and hospitality? Might be the right person for the job if she can get pass Nelly. While I have not seemed any comments about Martina's return (she is returning, right?), for some reason since nothing has been mentioned on the forum about the big blow up a week ago between Martina and Alberto, it may come up again upon her return. Making up doesn’t mean the subject goes away. With time to think being away from Alberto and if she was with the one misguiding person, I believe she was with; the whole open relationship will surface again upon her return. Perhaps even being persuaded (by Nelly) to retain her own apartment and she would help. Martina left on a Friday evening but is there proof she went straight to her parents’ home? How could Martina leave her beloved ugly Nelly without saying goodbye or leave ugly Nelly behind with such an opportunity to be with her, alone for several days. However, I am convinced Alberto knows mostly what Martina is doing and with whom. Martina has lots of secrets! As do the upper echelon members of the forum.
  11. I tend to agree with you @tle, Martina fucks when she feels like it! On or off camera! I also think he refusals sex with her from time to time because he does not have the juice to keep up.
  12. Jen, I hesitate to say again but I believe Martina wouldn't wait and has had a threesome. Most likely several times.
  13. Thank you for responding. Did you happen to see Bogdan (screen name) in B4 yesterday?
  14. And so you are saying Martina and Bogdan did not view the video in the kitchen of B4?
  15. From reading the latest comments, you may not be in the upper echelon of the forum participants and therefore not privy to that information. This forum subject matter is no longer one of egalitarianism, where one can provide their views, questions, resourcefulness, etc. I believe Ms Martina may now be listed in a separate class by the RLC administers (Ms Nelly); You will only see and hear what they allow. No peeking! Ms Martina may continue to receive treatment not provided to all the other girls and apartments for RLC. We know Ms Martina is working for RLC but is she now "owned" by them as well? Does that mean the other girls and apartments are discriminated against because they did not, are not having an affair with the RLC administer? A tip for the other girls, sleep with a RLC admin. It seems Ms Martina will receive protection from translation (reserved for forum upper echelon only) and activities. RLC is a voyeur site, right? And we should be content with the nudity and sexual pleasures that occur and nothing else? The only information you should know is Ms Martina is working hard to complete school, loves her dog, has sex with Alberto and according to Alberto, occasionally has sex with others outside the apartment. Fortunately, am not a subscriber to RLC and ecstatic not to contribute to the paycheck. Pass my bedtime..Take care Moosecini!
  16. It sounds like Alberto was sued, he counter sued and may have lost! If he lost then he owes money too many including Martina who he is paying through RLC. Not sure of the "Statute of Limitations" in Spain but my guess if he had a job those funds would be taken by the courts. Yes, he is living a "shit" life.
  17. Jen, your response and comments here as I see has on target. By far the most sophisticated, intellectually composed pieces of work I’ve read on this forum in my brief time as a member. Your rationalization related to Martina’s “Love for other Women” and her “Love for Alberto”, her desire and hope to have a possible monogamous relationship with Alberto, which I see is a statement as coming from deep within; Without a direct conversation with both Alberto and Martina, you may have reiterated what they would say to the forum if they could. But wouldn’t you know it, I do have several additional opinions I really do not view “real love” in terms of monogamy. I just feel Ms. Nelly is not really in love with Miss Martina. But instead, I believe Ms Nelly is using Miss Martina for what she could not achieve with other bisexual lovers ongoing the “consistent bisexual experience” plain animal like and good fucking with the playacting that tends to keep Miss Martina interested. I do not believe Martina’s loving making was or is fake. Unlike the other fake shows seen on RLC, Martina is truly enjoying herself without extra pay. I believe if the only time Martina would fake love making would have come as an escort, but it would have been for the money! From the videos seen we assume the love between Miss Martina and Ms. Nelly is true, but have we ever heard mention of “I love you” between them? At a time on the forum, I questioned the same of Martina and Alberto, the response being they have shared that “I love you” moment numerous times. Perhaps for Martina and Ms Nelly because it is a different kind of love, I love you in words need not be mentioned, or it is just the look that says it all? We continue to reference these sex sessions between Miss Martina and Ms Nelly which if they are still occurring, we are no longer privileged to see on RLC, is this action the representation of deep love? COVID may have contributed to Alberto failed business, (like tourism, and jobs, small businesses had a high number of closures), but I am convinced Miss Martina is staying with Alberto because of the love she has for him, and she feel that as security. Is this an assumption? Also, to your point, I believe by Bogdan’s showing of the 3-way video of Ms. Nelly, Marsha and another female to Martina, Bogdan understands from this and other occurrences that Nelly is always in the hunt for a bisexually relationship. What is interesting, she won’t allow Bogdan to be promiscuous, with the exception of the one time that we and she know of.
  18. Glad she is going visit with her father during her break and "Holy" week. Family should always be first overall. Do we know if she will be spending time at the old RLC hangout with her good friend Ms Nelly? It may also have been a conversation between Alberto and Martina for his approval to visit a couple days with the big guy who moved out of Barcelona; Can anyone confirm that visit will still occur?
  19. At present I am not in a relationship, so yes sex is not an only concern when in a "relationship" and therefore at present not a mess. I do have enjoyable sexual intercourse in the right situation. I enjoy reading the forum and the various views that it brings. However, neither am I living in a FWB relationship or dating, hiding, and screwing a married woman. Thank you
  20. Good Day Jen, So sorry for the late response. Is there real proof_Nelly won’t go to the next party or whomever will give her the attention, Man or Woman. I recalled the night Bogdan and Martina discussed the Miss Martina and Mrs. Nelly relationship. I am thinking Nelly was hiding, missing because she was rejected by another female and intoxicated. Or perhaps the incident that occurred with the guys near the pool. We blame that on drugs and liquor. Although possibly mentioned previously, if this is real love and they continue to challenge others with pretending to be just friend, why not sacrifice the now, leave Alberto, leave Bogdan and commit to that "real love"? Nelly does not seem to have anything to lose. And it appears that Martina is not concerned with what her friends, Alberto and perhaps even her parents. You are correct; Ms. Nelly is not only older and married but not older emotionally, intellectually, and clearly not mentally. It is most likely still a game to her. I also agree with you about Miss Martina, and I feel for her, she is being very misguided, and very inappropriate. And unfortunately, not similar to her decision and determination to finally do something with her life (which I believe was a decision by both Martina and Alberto), I assume the behavior between her, and Ms. Nelly will only lead to harsh pain for one of both. Maybe not??
  21. Are you saying she tells him what guy or gal or guys she is banging when she is out all night? What a mess!
  22. Good Points as always. Do we know Bogdan feels threatened by the "love" Nelly pretends to have for Miss Martina? I say “pretend” because she is older, more experienced and can impose the blind love over routine Miss Martina. Married or not could it also be that Bogdan is orchestrating the entire relationship between Ms Nelly and Miss Martina? Orchestrating would maintain his knowledge of what is ensuing between his wife and wife’s girlfriend. It could also be Miss Martina and Ms Nelly spend time at one of the other vacant apartments and he is not fully cognizant. While we do not have evidence; Miss Martina could be visiting with Ms Nelly almost every day for hours, perhaps before school, after school and weekends. I recently saw pictures where Miss Martina has lightened her hair similar to Ms Nelly, wears gloves (just one of the gifts) given to her by Ms Nelly. Ms Nelly appears to have a lot of influence over Miss Martina, and it is conceivable she can tell Miss Martina what to do? Perhaps girlfriend stuff? Miss Martina is under an enormous amount of stress attempting to keep it all together; balancing Alberto (stop planning and get a short-term job), Nelly, and Bogdan, school. Will she get so involved she gives up school? I hope not!! People can change but for what Ms Nelly has already done and shown, she is not worth it! Will Bogdan decide he wants kids? Will it be with Ms Nelly? Does Miss Martina now have two apartments to travel between and make peace. When learning about the news of her father, I am wondering why Miss Martina did not visit with her father? Anyone know? While she can take a day and visit and be with Ms Nelly, why not with her father? Is it a sign of Ms Nelly’s influence to divert the importance of family? Just recently, I visited with an elderly lady, she is almost 95 years old and goes diving for clam every day. We were laughing and joking but respectfully, and in the conversation, she stated to me the “devil” loves those that do wrong and describes them as their favorite.
  23. Looking forward to reading about Alberto and Martina on today’s forum.
  24. Yes, yes understood. Although, seeing is believing , for those that don’t believe should stay quiet. Self included!
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