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Everything posted by yelt

  1. On a different topic..It would be nice to see Martina and Alberto go on a short vacation somewhere! A get-a-way just the two of them.
  2. Does anyone know if Martina passed her test? I hope so!!
  3. How about if she begins to bate? Shouldn't bother her brother as well?
  4. Please disregard! Jman9212 mentioned she called Alberto at around 2:50am and said she was with her brother, perhaps.
  5. Martina was too busy getting fucked as much as she could to come home. I believe her brother packed his backpack so he is most likely gone.
  6. Just curious, what happens if someone from RLC is picked up after hours by the police. Does Spain have police? Say at a party where there are drugs and the police bust the place? Do they get placed in jail, fined or allowed to be bail out?
  7. Yes, that is what I hear! Albert doesn't care as long as he gets his turn. But...can anyone say spreading virus and disease!
  8. Oh and by the way Alberto is no dummy, he knows what she is doing? Because she was not followed much before the Nelly event that attracted so many eyes, she was doing what she is doing now. Fucking girls or guys or both at the same time till early morning! Alcohol has an amazing affect on desire. At least with Nelly she was contained. Let hope she doesn't get COVID or worst pregnant (pill or not)!
  9. Brothers are brothers and should cover if asked. Since she has not had sex or bated in a great number of days the real question is "Is she fucking a guy or girl right now"!
  10. I say again, just an observation. And as someone who has been though dating others wives, I thought it was okay because of all the relationships that were with consenting adults. I did it for sexual use (forgetting the emotional side) without thinking about there lives and there families lives. I was stupid and did not care. I looked up when it was too late and there was a suicide. Sure, I hate it to happen to someone else even more talented than me. Still just observing. Martina is bisexual, nothing wrong with that. Have fun! But be careful not hurt and disrespect others. It is not a good lesson learned and it may come back at you.
  11. Yes. Noticed that a while back. Wonder what she is looking for? Could it be real love?
  12. Has anyone noticed how no one really speaks to Nelly unless necessary, other than Martina. Radi is speaking to Martina and Nelly as Nelly is next to Martina.
  13. Did you see Pam tell her boyfriend that Nelly and Martina are together.
  14. Could the argument be was over seeing Martina! He should just leave Nelly or kick her out; which looks like he is close to doing. Martina can't take a piss without this girl. And now she is ruining a marriage.
  15. After waiting on her hand and foot for the last couple of days, Alberto was lucky she let him have sex. They both knew she would be gone for another overnighter and would most likely fuck and get fucked by Nelly.
  16. I hope it is not with Alberto or If she does he needs to have a secure job and future. Otherwise, maybe one of her school buddies will work.
  17. You are welcome. It is healthy to agree or disagree. Lived in the Ginza streets of Tokyo without a home. I now have a house and a good job!
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