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Everything posted by yelt

  1. Thank you for your response. I don’t disagree her maturity is difficult to assess as there are may be some signs of maturity. Certainly, her commitment to her short studies is outstanding and if she passes the exams will be great! But I believe maturity here would be a long-term commitment which we have not seen as yet (other than with Alberto) and would be one key sign of maturity. Is being independent a sign of maturity? I believe anyone, no matter the age can be independent. I believe some of the signs of maturity are listening more and talking less ( as you mentioned "no one controls me" or something to that effect); Being aware and considerate of others as opposed to being self-absorbed, self-centered, and inconsiderate. Would you say Martina is here? Maturity is the ability to respond to the environment being aware of the correct time and location to behave and knowing when to act, according to the circumstances and the culture of the society at present time. So, as you mentioned, it isn’t clear that Martina has made any significant mistakes that have caused her to change behavior. But has her behavior affected or changed someone else? Alberto, Nelly and Bogdan? I also agree she is a free spirit (not a bad thing). Is she in control of herself? But do you think she yet a clear comprehension of the effects of misbehaving or of what life brings for misbehaving, especially to others? Does a mature person possesses a spirit of humility. Humility parallels maturity. Humility isn’t thinking. I am for sure what I have seen here in RLC with Martina, there is a long way to go for her adult development and maturity; for her to understand the purpose of life concepts, contributing to the feeling that life is meaningful and not a game where there is no consideration of other. Are her decisions based on character, not feelings? Lastly, she has an opportunity to create a future with Alberto (if she wants and him as well); to help him as he does with her (other than only what appears to be the weekly sex rewards). No one will understand her better, her culture, where she wants to go in life, her behaviors as he has. Her strengths and weakness, and be more commented to her life goals than Alberto. But with all the previous and current events Martina has not learned yet!
  2. It was also said in a very early statement about another previous affair she was having, that is exactly what she was doing. Waiting for Bogdan to sleep and then out she would go.
  3. It does seem as if Martina's maturity has not yet reached a young adult level. But that's what happens with you spend you time with teens you become stuff in teen level. She also thinks she is invincible, with her "fuck off" attitude, until she meets the person who tells her to "fuck off" bigger and better. A short life to learn.
  4. Anyone know if Martina passed her exam over score 5 to get into college? Maybe she and crazy Nellie can room together! I hope!
  5. I do not have proof as there are no camera or conversation, just text. But who else would Nelly stop what she is doing while texting and in a scurry get out the door while Bogdan is not around.
  6. It is because Nelly is with Martina at the theme park. I wonder if it is an overnighter?
  7. I have tried to support Martina as I am well impressed with her short term focus to move her life forward. However, Martina is as full of herself as Nelly. The way they are carrying with each other as if life can not exist without each other. I think they deserve each and should just break it off with the respective other and live life happy ever after.
  8. Anyone know if Nelly is going to meet them at the theme park?
  9. So if Martina has sex with Bogdan to continue having sex with Nelly, why wouldn't she call him out. Would Martina call Bogdan out? Letting him know they agreed if I fuck you I could continue seeing Nelly. She has something on him as he would on her. I don't believe she would have a great deal of concern for Alberto and Nelly would see how Bogdan really is. I kind of goes back to the video that surfaced of Nelly and Masha. Who surfaced the video for Martina? Bogdan? Why would he surface that if he fucked Martina, risking that she would tell Nelly? Would it even matter to Nelly? What secrets..Hey.
  10. Oh wait! Since she shares these things with Alberto, did she let him know? Or is this another one of those pure speculation!!
  11. Wow! You could tell that without actually knowing? I don't think so! 😃
  12. I agree.. Does anyone know why she decided at such a late time to take the test? Perhaps cristiano?
  13. Yes. that is the one. I forget she is very young. 18 yes.
  14. May of 2022 is not too far away. It sound as though she at least has a backup plan until 2022. Thank you for sharing! Do you know if her friend feel she (not Martina) has a good chance of passing?
  15. I don't mean any disrespect but I believe in watching Nelly for sometime now, she has gotten emotionally disturbed. Her smile, always rushing around as if to be hyper. Her mannerism, her mood swings_ up and down. The number of times she changes clothes and arranges her makeup in a one to two hour period of time. I don't believe her attraction to other women is a problem, in fact it is quit normal for women. However, it the other areas that are of concern.
  16. Yes but earlier on they went to a race for Alberto out of town and put the dogs up somewhere. Couldn't they do it again? Maybe even have her friend stay at the apartment to take care of them and the fish?
  17. I think she will pass. If she does't pass, can she take it again? And do you know when? If she doesn't pass, I hope she doesn't get depressed and go drinking for several days. Also, the way she presses on her breast as if to have pain she may need to go to a physician for a check up.
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