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Everything posted by yelt

  1. Perhaps.. I just saw Nelly say something to Martina that changed her expression. Could it be she chooses Bogdan and can no longer do this?? The night into day is still young.
  2. Perhaps. Martina has the intelligence to use RLC to get away. And at some point Nelly may have to be the one to choose Bogdan or Martina?
  3. Perhaps the night is young or maybe she needed the alcohol to get off??
  4. Bogdan shouldn't have to do this. He and Nelly are a married couple and Nelly is boring 30yrs old. I would think with all I have heard about Nelly she is as lost a cause as Martina. Martina and Nelly deserve each other. I like watching a good lesbian show as much as the next person but when the soap opera begins to ruin ones future potential (Martina) it is disappointing. If the situation escalates and Martina and Nelly become partners, they can think back about how big a mistake they made. Both have had lesbian affairs before and if they do get together and drop their partners, one of them (most likely Nelly) is going to cheat again. It is unbelievable to me how Martina (a seemingly intelligent woman) can not understand a couple being married and the commitment that follows. Wonder what she would think if her Mother and Father were cheating. She may not understand commitment until a similar situation happens to her and if she doesn't get help soon it will happen. But hey, no one can tell her what to do! I have said good things about Martina's roommate Alberto, but she really needs to leave him. She uses him for his small worthless unsatisfying penis. Alberto is worthless even as a lazy housekeeper. Bankruptcy has really effected his ability to be a man and think straight. But hey, they are both on RLC because they can not make it in the real world. I have known escorts that have become attorneys but never cross line Martina is crossing. Due to Nelly's uncontrollable appetite for alcohol, if Bogdan did kick Nelly to the curb Martina would have no control (good sex for awhile) but lots of troubles with Nelly, she may never have suspected.
  5. I hope for a calm evening between Martina and Nelly? Is Alberto going? And for Martina to take her nice chunky butts home after dinner. Thoughts?
  6. Yes as noldus mentioned the outage was due to an ISP issue. Looks like they may have taken the party off site, off camera. The only one that did not go was Vivian and Holly.
  7. Agreed! But cannot image how someone with such intelligence can allow herself to be strung along! Love is blind. Will she commit to hurting herself, others and herself for her desire.. I think so! The results of last night are obviously a result of what Bogdan her husband has laid down. He may have to be firmer and direct with Martina to get his point across. If he has the balls and wants Nelly to stop. Or walk away from Nelly!
  8. It is midnight my time and 7am in Barcelona. B4 is still down. I was reviewing the videos and had to feel for Martina. She was left out there. But do we think she has learned her lesson with this situation? Will she blame it all on Bogdan and keep trying to get into Nelly? Or will she blame both and quietly end the relationship? They say love is blind, perhaps this is it! Only tomorrow will tell.
  9. Clearly distraught! Where does she go from here! I am beginning to see more and more Bogdan and Nelly need to go from B4. It is now not about FWB but how this entire situation and perhaps it is the fault of RLC, may be destroying the mindset of someone just trying to live life. Other than the situation with Bruno and Gino, which I never saw or knew about until mentioned in these chats, could someone become so unstable as to do body harm. Great to have fun and game but with what has occurred with this young lady is unacceptable if RLC is involved and should be held liable should something unthinkable occurs on there watch.
  10. Will it be only two strikes (her last visit and this visit) or is she still going to stay at the plate for strike three or four or five?
  11. Well the saga continues..Will Martina wake up and pretend this night never happen. Just to have sex with Nelly when/if Bogdan leaves? Stay tuned.
  12. Martina if you are in on this conversation. Get an Uber, go home! Be with the one you know and not with the one you don't know. Cause if someone did to me what just happened to you. FWB for that person is over!
  13. Understood! But the risk here are very higher because the one side of the attraction is legally bound. Move on and found another FWB.
  14. Excellent points! But it is what she has chosen. Get out or Get right! Some play these games and when it becomes too late to quick, people get hurt, mostly the ones playing. Will Martina get hurt again?
  15. Ageed! But does she understand? There is only trouble ahead with this one. English probably got what she wanted and moved on. I understand Martina was devastated. She is the victim of her only doing. I like what she has done with school but if she is unable to control this habit. It will catch up to her. Perhaps not now but if she gets the career she is working so very hard to accomplish, it could guess up with her. 24 going on 25, sure lets play now. But make sure this is the what you want for the future.
  16. Yep! But if you have to have sex with another girl, if you have to have that friendship, how about finding one not so connected.
  17. But girlfriends with benefits that are married, will eventually make you look stupid and cause bigger problems than perhaps it is worth. Nelly knows what she does not what to lose and it is not Bogdan. Will Martina keep trying or move on?
  18. The nights not over but Martina appears to be pissed. It this the end of Nelly and Martina?
  19. Martina when down to Nelly and Bogdan's room. Picked up a couple of blankets and is now back in the living room on the couch. She seem upset!
  20. For those of us who like to see good things happen. She should have gone to B4 to celebrate the girls leaving and not Nelly. She should start thinking about what she is doing? It appears the only one who knows her best and may continue to put us with her. Nelly is up and her and Martina just went into the living room bathroom. Crazy!!
  21. Bogdan is helping Nelly come to her senses. But Martina is a hard case. Will she learn that Nelly is obligated to Bogdan. Does she think how she would feel if her girlfriend was doing what she is doing with Nelly. She is talking to Alberto now? Interesting!
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