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Everything posted by nack

  1. nack


    And your subscribers will leave too..may be they all left already.
  2. nack


    The Ivo and Akira of old would have dp'd her in no time. Golden moments !!! Sonia and the breakup with Charlie ruined both of them respectively.
  3. Timeline addition was great. Thanks Now get some participants and you will see me as a premium member.
  4. Only difference is, Emma was a participant,she is not.
  5. Enjoy your vacation. I have never been to NY or states for that matter.Would love to visit NY some day but there are a lot more tourist visa restrictions nowadays especially in Trump Era.
  6. I have already created it and it is hot regardless of what the others think.Watch it when you get the time.
  7. Now when you look in the moments section,funnily the titles have been named as Mole Sex,Fighters. Clearly,if you have been given the opportunity to help VH in creating moments,do it without your judgment.Pass your comments in forum,not while creating moments.
  8. No. It's a different girl. Apparently,everyone here except a few hate the guest girl whom dean had sex with undercover.No one created moment except myself.Some of the members here want the girls to become casa girls,with closeup and full light.Pathetic !!!!
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