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Everything posted by nack

  1. You forgot the violent finger banging with that dude whom she cheated with and the bloody aftermath with stains everywhere on the couch.
  2. He is the hall of fame material..here's the iconic performance once again relived ..!!..
  3. @groomy what apartments do you watch most ..any favs ?
  4. Very nicely put golfer. I was ready to join VV and Camarads as well but camarads official turned out to be an ****** and VV has no timeline yet. Hell they don't even have participants now.
  5. Is there a fine for below par 'performance' in bed too ..?
  6. Would love to know what the hell happened when Nik got bitch slapped last night. May be @groomy could shed some light.
  7. I don't see VH banning any Russian speakers. Last time I checked, Yury still had the access. It's another thing that he didn't have the time to check VH as he got super busy.
  8. @groomy So they were supposed to get $500 per month ?
  9. @groomy do you speak their language ? I assume you do as you have explained everything in detail including the apartment locations which was not necessary IMO. Anyway thanks for the intel.
  10. Yes..the spects guy..Mika climbed on him but he chickened out and ran away.
  11. There ..you have it. THE answer. Now stop speculating and move on ..people !!
  12. I think @golfer06 created that moment using that title or @jabbath1987 because I sure didn't create it .
  13. VH Standard Reply " We have inquired from them,they are ok with it and no harm was meant. We do not interfere in their personal lives but your concern is appreciated. Thank you and case closed" Don't even bother wasting your energy.I have stopped creating tickets altogether.Bad Cam Angles,No NV and a host of another issues.Has anything happened ? NO Enjoy your subscription as long as it last and move on. My personal 2 cent opinion of course.
  14. i saw all that drama beginning 5:58 AM @golfer06 and she really did beat his ass..it was hilarious.Why is he still cuddled up to her is beyond me.
  15. There's only a particular thread that qualifies as 'Wild West' All the others are quiet,peaceful and sane in CC..
  16. This is ridiculous !! and this is going to happen again and again unless VH mount the cams 'away' from the reach of participants/guests or lock them from moving.This looks like child play.Since this has happened many times,i don't think VH cares at all. Enough of this bad setup.I have 10 days to go and i'm out..
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