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Everything posted by nack

  1. nack

    Tula - Split 4

    He was squirming like a pig so i assume Anita swallowed it .
  2. nack

    Tula - Split 4

    'Job' done.Now she'll sleep peacefully for another month.No VV calls to perform
  3. nack

    Tula - Split 4

    Why is she not fucking him ?
  4. Oh No..Anna-Alex again.Both are boring.Their sex was boring.There life is boring.What have you done VHTV. Just when i was thinking of joining..
  5. No shit.Look at the Barca Threads.I puke every time i go there...Girl Sleeping,Girl Up,girl out,girl in.girl peeing,girls chatting,more chatting,in bath,out of bath...fucking disgusting.The most useless thread in the history of threads.The people who post there seem to have no life whatsoever.Bunch of old horny dudes who probably could never get it up.
  6. Oh No..Anna-Alex again.Both are boring.Their sex was boring.There life is boring.What have you done VHTV. Just when i was thinking of joining..
  7. The guest couple has fucked like 6 times in 2 nights and the guy has lasted from 1 to 2 to 5 to 15 minutes.Talk about progress.
  8. Aren't you forgetting something. I asked you twice may be thrice.Also PM'd you.What happened to the archives ? If you are not planning to bring it,pls let me know. Won't buzz you anymore.
  9. @Voyeur House TV What's happening with Archives.Any Progress Yet ?
  10. Asked the same question to RLC about empty apartments,inactive apartments.They are of the view that it is their apartment and we are privileged to watch their Real Life and they can go on vacations,have fun outside and screw the paying subscribers. Bunch of Assholes those RLC people...Sad part is NO ONE and i mean NO ONE emails them.Plenty of people here that like this shit and more interested in their social accounts.Watching girls do their 'non stuff' and YES..YES..YES i want them to have sex and nude IN this apartment and i am fucking paying to see that. Pathetic !!!!
  11. nack

    Tula - Split 4

    My CC is on hold till Anita gets the shit fucked out of her.Here's for an electric pairing How about Guitargst-Anita in VHTV.I am sure they would break ALL the RLC/VV/VHTV records..
  12. nack

    Tula - Split 4

    Nooo..Not again !! The first foursome cost me 1 GB,The second foursome and the subsequent fuckathons has consumed more than 5 GB of Disk Space.Wait till i get a new HDD
  13. Apart from the usual screen recorders,I prefer tab recording (Chrome Only) for live streams and a software that you are very well aware of..
  14. nack

    Tula - Split 4

    What perplexes me the most is how come Anita couldn't find a single guy of her choice.I refuse to believe that a sexy girl like herself does not have a BF. We know VV's HR is shyte.Anita should have had no problem in bringing guy home and fucking them.May be she does not want it and only wants to fuck us.
  15. What's happening guys? Enough 'Action ' already..
  16. nack

    Tula - Split 4

    Since chip has stopped posting,we need archives badly!!
  17. My Version posted on Nov 12,2015 in old tver thread. All right ..after watching the entire archive vids..here's my 2 cents. Ivo and Gang got the new couple drunk and Niki probably drank more than he ever has.Once the new couple is sleeping in the bedroom,he sneaks in all drunk,cuddles up with the lady,starts kissing her,and also eats her pussy while she is dead drunk.He continues his 'assault' for 12-15 mins,also gets out his dick and tries to rub her hands on it.Then he tries to fuck her and also licks her nipples. Now the reason why is am posting all the details is there is absolutely NO resistance from the girl may be because she is too drunk to notice it all or just ignores it.There is also a time in which she clearly sees him but never raises panic alarm and continues to resist mildly as she is not in her senses.While this is happening,Ivo,Nick and Alex are all standing by the side of the door. All this hullabaloo causes the guy to wake up and the first thing he does is kick Niki out of bed once he notices Niki getting too close and also hits him when he tries to run.Now,the gang outside suddenly barges in all Manly and try to intimidate the guy who tries to explain the things.In the heated exchanges,he tries to hit alex,Ivo starts hitting him and so does Alex.Meanwhile the 'wife' is uncomfortable with all the shit going on. An hour later,Niki tries to flirt with her again and the guys exchange hugs and alcohol. Too Weird !! I cant explain.
  18. nack

    Tula - Split 4

    OK..Do let me know Jabbath if the new guy fucks the shit out of Anita.I might think of rejoining..
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