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Everything posted by nack

  1. That's an absolutely normal font.No caps..strange that VHTV found it 'unpleasant'
  2. Yes ..and working !! Great..Thanks
  3. @golfer06 please don't cut the time from the frame as it becomes very difficult to navigate the timeline. Thanks !!
  4. Cam 13 has best angle and great lighting Cam 16 has good angle and bad lighting. Overall,a great session and she rides the big pole like a devil
  5. nack

    Tver - Split 7

    Misc,You still subscribed to VV ?
  6. Welcome Back Amy !! You were gone for a LOOONG Time...NOT The VV Gang is still here.
  7. You are right to some extent MrBox.The cable clutter,the furniture,the hurriedly arranged cameras,somewhat poor cam placement but it is certainly improving day by day.I have seen enough RLC for the past 30 days of my subscription and believe me if i spend $119,i would certainly look for more active participants rather than lavish apartments,furniture,TV etc. I have seen more action on VHTV than RLC and VV combined in these days.RLC has its moments but for that high a price,i would look for more proactive participants.You are also well aware of the the kind of worshippers of Barca and KKH that spam the threads every single minute. Doesn't necessarily means there is lot of 'fun and activity' Well that's another debate !! I have had enough with inactive apartments at RLC.VHTV will improve by time.I am sure we will get a lot more features in the coming months,New Cams,Archives,Apartments and most importantly,they are open to constructive criticism and interact with subscribers.I never heard from RLC or VV whenever i have written to them.May be they don't care. I can only wish them best of luck !!
  8. I am not getting any buffering,Howard and i am on a mere 4MBPS connection.I am premium though.
  9. LOL...coming from a guy who is obsessed with following 'some tenants' life throughout his camcaps career.
  10. I sincerely hope they add another Bedroom camera in ALL the apartments
  11. can someone give me the exact timings for sessions
  12. Alright !! I subscribed for 90 days.Hope it's worth it !!
  13. Hey Jabbath/Clive/Harvey..Is it a good time to subscribe.Is the timeline working fine.... @Clive - Have you recorded.I might hound you if the timeline buffers on me..
  14. Only if had the Front Camera !! Alas !!
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