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Everything posted by nack

  1. I don't know if it is good or bad news for VHTV
  2. I think Mr. Fixit gave the news to Nastya or rather told her the new address (VHTV)
  3. VV confirmed in a mail to bean1111 (Sofia Thread).She has left the project.
  4. Mr VHTV Guy,there's the 'proof' as spielo posted.Look for yourself and take appropriate action.Hiding is just unfair for paying subscribers.
  5. Alex-Carmen revisited.Carmen left after the fiasco.Nastya next ?
  6. Jabbath..please ask VV also about the ineffectiveness of Tula,Boro and Sofia and to shut them down completely.We are happy with Tver and ready to pay $15 for it.
  7. Really..ask her about about her BF and her future plans ?
  8. I am glad i did not pay up for this shit.I would be mighty pissed if i pay $45 and more and RLC tampers with the existing cam setup.They just don't give a f*k about subscribers.
  9. I know they were supposed to leave some day.Just checking the dates. When are the girls coming ?
  10. Did anything interesting happened between Polina and Anton after last night ?
  11. One thing that i do like about VV is the HUUUUUUUGE collection of archives.Lets say if you are new to VV and are to subscribe premium now..you would atleast spend a week or more browsing through ALL the videos.The collection is too damn huge.Also,you can sort the archive vids by ratings.All the apartments have almost 500 pages or more of Archives. Believe me guys,i have been a regular member of VV for months now and although some of its apartments are dull now,the archives is a hit,miles ahead of RLC and VHTV and you dont miss a thing,Ever.
  12. I am tempted to go for 70$ sub.If anything crazy happens tonight with Anton/Polina and guests,I'll be in for atleast 3 months as i am sick of VV. Atleast VHTV guy responds to queries.
  13. Hmm..tempting..My VV sub expires on 17th Jan.Dilemma..?
  14. Thank you chip for the detailed summary,pics and vids.We'll see how it goes once he is sober.
  15. If you are a premium member @ camcaps, you can insert the screenshot directly (drag and drop or insert from menu),else you have to use third party servers like postimg or any other for posting screenshots.
  16. Yes..she has been showing her naughty bits a lot these days.Sofa Shows in full light.She is more wild than we think she is.
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