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Everything posted by nack

  1. Anabel naked exercise https://mab.to/PFqyY8aGY
  2. Video of the naked exercise in videos section !!
  3. Ulyana living loom bate,Nov 20 https://mab.to/CokKTLsBJ
  4. Spot On !! I find it really disappointing that VH is quick to react on some chosen few's tweets and tickets as if they own the entire site,cc,and the whole wide world.i want transparency in the process.How many tickets were sent for actual closure of the apartment and how many didn't respond.What if less than 10 tickets were sent and a few hundred watching with no access to CC were suddenly left with no stream due to those tickets.That's disrespectful and total disregard to the privilege of the other paying members who might be interested in hard BDSM and other things.It happened before also,but the sheer frequency of downtime due to trivial issues is disappointing.I guess VH is only left for boring ass vanilla couples,who don't invite other couples,let loose and enjoy. I wanted VHTV to be wild,unscripted,passionate,controversial and UNCENSORED and it's for tenants and VH officials to decide what needs be streamed and what not.It should never be under the commands of viewers who are morally sensitive and even if it was,there should be transparency and majority.
  5. Zoi..they can take a month for all i care. First impressions are not positive and it would be a HUGE surprise IF they bring home the guys and fuck them on cam.
  6. May be it was Elise who ruined Jim’s ‘fun’ ..🤓
  7. Close this goddamn place already . Waste of bandwidth !!!!
  8. Another one of boring vanilla couple just like D and S. Their sex is even more zzzzz. The lady just loves blowjobs and the guy doesn’t even fuck that often. I thought this place had potential. I was wrong. They are B O R I N G !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The porn on the TV is hot though.
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