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Everything posted by nack

  1. I can understand VH taking it offline but where the hell is that thread ?
  2. Jeez...it looked like they were both going to double team on her when I went to sleep. I assume tickets for ‘visible’ drug usage ?
  3. Ok. @miscvoyeur @Robwin @golfer06 Are you guys aware of what happened there ?
  4. WTH happened to the new apartment thread Elise and Jim. Where is it ? Why was it removed ? What did the 2 guys and the lady do while I was asleep. @jabbath1987 ....🤔 Anyone ?
  5. Thanks. I guess another one in the ignore list.
  6. What’s up with the girls Groomy ? Are they wild,lesbians or just plain boring.Any intel yet ?
  7. Close this place already !!!! What a snooze fest.zzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!
  8. Hunter and Piper are the only ones looking like enjoying something.Rest are all bored.
  9. I see..this ain't a party,it's just a gathering for photoshoot of couples to upload to VH along with their brief intro like spygasm.Boring....
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