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Everything posted by poncherello

  1. Maybe tonight they can sleep on Beatrice's bed, it seems to me that he is free 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  2. Maybe tonight they can sleep on Beatrice's bed, it seems to me that he is free 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  3. How nice that Radi visits the others in the company of Cecilia, it makes me really happy. I had seen them at this time
  4. I would like to point out that Radi searched for LOraine, even today with Tweety
  5. The villa's solution lies in pushing Loraine away for her personal problems, Olivia for her stupidity and Fiora for being violent, vulgar and false. Someone like Fiora who speaks in a low voice, careful that nobody listens to her, is certainly one who sows problems
  6. Cleaning at 10.00 in the evening? Here under the cat hatches us, all strange, indeed very strange
  7. Radi and Cecilia are waiting for the passage, this means that Cecilia does not have a car of her own as I thought since she arrived at all hours without problems.
  8. However I think it is an RLC event from which Radi (with his partner) ☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹was excluded but unfortunately also Daniel and Beatrice😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  9. Everyone came out quickly for something except Radi, maybe that's the reason for the crying. She was excluded from something that doesn't seem like a big thing to me anyway because the girls went out in "work" clothes, even HollY who is usually very careful. Very serious episode of rupture and bad manners on the part of everyone. We will understand from Fior what happened
  10. I know, I know the real names of many participants and I have never dared to indicate them like that. I did it only because Cecilia is not a participant, she is a guest and on some occasions she has presented herself with the real name that I had never understood. Daniel does too and we call him Daniel. I remind you, as proof of my correctness, that a few days ago someone published the photo of building B4 and I immediately complained to the moderator who deleted it in two minutes
  11. Sorry but you are not a tenant. For the same reason should we call Daniel after Fritz? Anyway no problem, we will continue to know her as Cecilia
  12. Maybe, just maybe, I understood that Cecilia's real name is Natalia because that's what Radi called her when he looked for her in FR at 19:00:55
  13. I understand that Cecilia is angry with Radi for how she behaved with Tweety during the visit: she practically forgot about the friend who has been helping her for a month. Radi is trying to recover her relationship with some cuddles
  14. NOn capito niente, ci stai prendendo in giro? A causa del fatto che ero incapace avrei cavalcato condividendo le mie affermamzioni. o l'hai detto con certezza?
  15. 4 hours ago I wrote that Daniel would have tried with Beatrice, maybe I was not wrong also because she is encouraging him. Poor thing, she has to be content with what she finds
  16. The Ginger seen in Rome had made a beautiful transformation, here it seems to me the "usual" Ginger we know
  17. For heaven's sake, if you say it I'm fine but I who follow Holly as an obsessed with this thing I did not notice and then if I have to be honest Masha is not really the type who can attract Holly. That night I was most likely distracted
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