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Everything posted by poncherello

  1. I think that Holly has improved in this stay: she has understood what we want and gives it to us: Beauty, availability, nudity and youth with Tweety with whom she is sincerely in love, wrongly. The example of what I am saying is from this morning. Holly had to sleep (completely naked as usual about her and as we want) despite the presence of Kylie and Rus. I thought that this morning she would have run away to the bathroom to wrap herself in a bathrobe and then go to the closet to get some clothes and take refuge in the bathroom again to get dressed. But no, she asked Rus to turn around and went completely naked to the closet (because that's what we want) to dress with the usual very calm. This is what we want and after three stays Holly is giving it to us. And then let's stop talking about Holly's lovers: she knowingly fucked Bruno and was "caught" (I don't want to reopen the rape debate), I said she was "caught" by Daniel, fortunately only once. He tried with others (Megan's partner, a guy who came twice to the villa but who didn't like cams and got lost in thin air, and then many girls. So not whores and not lovers. Sorry, I wrote too much but otherwise I could not explain what I think and what I think, as long as memory helps me, I convince myself.
  2. Shit, so is she a real slut? I see it differently, sorry. The fact remains that I followed Nana a lot because I liked her but I have never seen, deny it if you want, a penetration. In any case, live Nana, come Nana and reign Nana so I won't be there to look at her. I've got Nana's pockets full of them
  3. I saw and nothing was seen, only a fraction of a second when she turned the covers and there was no penetration except in the collective imagination
  4. Sure and when he used it he was below deck, nothing was seen. But she didn't like her because she put it in the closet and it never came out until she left the project.
  5. Not even I remember so many appreciation for Nana (at first I was a fan of hers) but then it turned out to be her lack of substance. It is true that she masturbated every 4 or 5 days but always with a clitoral sucker, she has never penetrated herself and for this reason the doubt arises that she is still a virgin. Possibly girls fucking off cams is full of RLC
  6. Strange that the kid from B5 didn't follow Tweety into the kitchen
  7. They let her know that Daniel was coming, so she ran away, without having dinner and she hasn't been down since 8pm. This is the atmosphere that reigns in the villa and don't say they don't know about Daniel, a bad fight was born between Loraine and Radi with Olivia for this reason but when you want to give sorrow we are always ready
  8. Sure, I know but here the problems have a name: Rus and Daniel and we know why and then I don't understand that Holly ever said no to the use of the tub, whether she was present or absent. So we don't always just blame Holly .. How many times have we seen Cleopatra fuck? We imagined a fuck on the terrace outside the cam on the evening of the piss in the sink and I remember that even in B2 there were big parties
  9. If there were no boys, most likely the girls would have ended up in the tub but this is the result of badly made invitations or with badly made people. I don't think Tweety, Holly, Harley, Ulyana would get naked in front of Rus and Daniel. I remember that Holly is not one to hold back, how many times have we seen her naked in the tub with Bruno and her monstrous friend? There were Milena, Valeria, Loraine, Monica and add whoever you want
  10. I think I can say that there are not many girls who want to stay at the villa because it is too far from Barcelona. The first time makes a good impression but when you live there it is different, especially if you are young. If Holly is there she most likely had done her own math.
  11. I also preferred not to comment on the arrival of the ugly asshole alcoholic drug addict
  12. CIao, are you by any chance following the dialogue between Tweety and Kylie this morning in bed around 10.45? I'd love to hear what happened with Holly
  13. Holly is in now and it seems to me that her eyes are swollen with tears
  14. They are also rude, they are reading Tweety's phone
  15. It is not necessary to close the apartment, those two must be thrown out and ordered to return, as we did with Bruno. And if you want to kick Rus and Kylie out, even better
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