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Everything posted by poncherello

  1. Kylie does not pass it on to anyone and neither will she ever end up with others or others, especially in the presence of Rus. In that room there must go a couple like in the past, any single girl will end up like a Nanny
  2. wowwwwww Radi's bed is ...................................... cool
  3. It would be enough to hang a paper bunny outside the door and this indicates the presence of males (and which males if they are like rabbits) inside the house, obviously not when there are parties where anyone enters and leaves. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸΎπŸΎπŸΎπŸΎπŸΎπŸΎπŸΎπŸ·πŸ·πŸ·πŸ·πŸ·πŸ·πŸ·πŸŒπŸŒπŸŒπŸŒπŸŒπŸŒπŸŒ
  4. I seem to have caught a gesture of disappointment in Eva's friend after the arrival of Masha and Oliva (they are like elephants in a crystal shop) and I think that is why she has gone away. It is true that she arrived equipped with a towel and shampoo to wash her hair but I also believe that she would have gladly stayed.
  5. As for Alberto and Martina I can't understand anything because the cams have a low volume and a lot of background noises. Those things that I have understood, very little, are insignificant for everyone
  6. Someone will hate me but at the time I reported Elettra and her partner, first in B1 and then in B4, because they cursed and had vulgar, violent and racist expressions but from the speeches of Elettra, in Italian to her partner, I know that it was also kicked out because he kept calling her by her real name
  7. It could be but it certainly is a mistake to publish it. In the photo you could see three buildings and the B4 was well signposted
  8. The departure of the little monster had its effects, girls undressed again and Radi and Cecilia having lunch in the kitchen after yesterday's observations. It is true that anyone enters the house but it is the attitude that counts and Fiora had not warned of the presence of a man, perhaps unwelcome?
  9. This is exactly what I mean when I talk about sharing interesting information. It was in the air that it was not going very well between the two and you confirm this. Thank you so much
  10. I see another Cecilia in Eva's friend. This girl will give us a lot of satisfaction, and not just us, them too
  11. And then Fiora complains to the girls because they are poorly dressed given the presence of her little monster: SHAME YOU
  12. This is a shame, I would chase them away. Yesterday they were interrupted by Cecilia, this morning I don't know by whom. They fuck everywhere as if the house was theirs. It sucks
  13. This I seek, simply this. I don't speak English but I get there with the translator, I haven't found a good translator for Russian or Ukrainian yet. I seem to ask for the moon. To give an example, today there was a very long phone call between Tweety and someone who in my opinion could be interesting to understand the RLC mechanisms. I'm not interested in gossip and I'm not interested in fantasies but knowing and being able to appreciate the tenants yes, this interests me
  14. I speak and write quite well French and Spanish, I am Italian so if I can catch something interesting I have no difficulty in telling everyone because this chat belongs to everyone and RLC belongs to everyone. Then there is bullshit as big as that of the name, the real names are known because among them, especially in the villa, they call each other with the real names. The other day someone published the photo taken with the drone of B4 and I protested, for the safety of the tenants, and in two minutes the moderator deleted it. What I am asking is not a translation service from RLC but a little collaboration between us, whoever understands (and I'm sure there are) can explain and only in this way can the number of subscribers grow. I am not satisfied with puppet theater. But I doubt that RLC does not help us, for example by keeping the volume of the cams very low and covered by background noises, perhaps to avoid that we understand that it is inserting authentic stupid people with no art or even prostitutes in the apartments. I apologize if by chance I have offended someone but this is my thought
  15. Here there are many people who talk, talk, talk, me first, but we talk about sensations and emotions. Is it possible that no one understands Russian and explains what happens, in the most important moments?
  16. I hope that rlc chases away with him and with Loraine, only in this way will peace return
  17. Instead of kicking out Rus and Kylie they blocked Tata's contract, great RLC action. With Fiora's partner and with Rus and kylie I imagine mega pool parties
  18. Instead of kicking out Rus and Kylie they blocked Tata's contract, great RLC action. With Fiora's partner and with Rus and kylie I imagine mega pool parties
  19. Nanny leaving is a problem, something tells me that Tweety will end in its place and I don't like that. Thanks to all who want single rooms for single girls
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