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Everything posted by poncherello

  1. But which lesbians are you talking about? there are no lesbians here, at most I can be bisexual. In three years, the only lesbians (as they say they are) were Piper and Taylor. If they don't bring males home it is not because they are lesbians, more likely they are stupid and don't find any or males don't like cams and prefer quickies in the car.
  2. Enough Radi, every now and then stop it and dedicate to Cecilia that her gymnastics is better. You're getting tired of me
  3. Did they open a kindergarten at Masha's house?
  4. Can I answer you? They had the first sexual encounter promoted by Valeria in Valeria's room on December 1, 2019. They met again in the villa and they fucked at every meeting but on December 21 she left the project for which Bruno then dedicated his "partial" attention "to gina. When she returned to the project she learned of the engagement between the two and she did not interfere unlike Ulyana who during a party in B2 she got fucked by Bruno in Cleopatra's room today and created chaos. Ulyana cried for hours, Gina screamed for hours
  5. Cecilia left but got the keys to the house from Radi so she will be back soon
  6. All true, I think like you about Tweety but as Mr Flexxy Radi says it was a disaster for the relationship between them but even before Radi even Loraine had sneakily intruded. Holly is a person who accepts everything and even accepted Tweety's two-month vacation, this was the real betrayal. I don't blame Tweety. As I have already said she is young, curious, she seeks experiences, she has dynamism, if it were not so at her age she would not be Tweety. This Holly did not understand even today and, if I may, not even us who were in love with the first Tweety. If I blame Tweety for anything it is not recognizing what Holly is doing for her, even as a protection for her. Today she did not want to move from the house but in order not to let her go alone, in the doubt that she would also meet Daniel who was on the phone, he decided to go out with her the other night. dinner for the return and Tweety only thought about showing the perfumes to Loraine who in two minutes was already sitting on the bed
  7. I still refresh your memory if you need it. Holly was a guest in B5 with Tereza and Timur and Masha, on that occasion, on the day of leaving a boy (call him a boy but in my view he must have been 45 years old) showed up to take the bags. In Tata's current room she tried, he even discovered her breasts but she refused it. I don't know if it was him but if it was him he was right to let him go. Sometimes it is better to suffer a little sooner than a little later
  8. Do you see that you don't remember well? in B1 they massaged but it doesn't count, what matters is the transfer to the villa and on the second evening there was a very short party among the tenants. At the end of the party Tweety "got" Holly on the living room sofa after going to get a blanket so as not to die from the cold. It was great
  9. no, of course not. I respect your every opinion even if I don't share it but I don't like that for example negative you always mention Holly
  10. But do you remember the first thing he did with Tweety? in B4 or in B1?
  11. So are you really obsessed with Holly? Why don't you think of Beatrice, Esmi, Alana, Kristy ......... but it's true, Holly only did 3 or 4 shows with Tweety, massages with Olivia and Loraine
  12. Of course, she is the same girl 4 years older, so she is more mature and different. All the girls change after two stays. I don't want to provoke discussions, I express my idea and I apologize if I don't think like the others. It's wrong?
  13. Finally today we will see who fucks in reality, Fiora's friend has arrived for which Harley will have to find accommodation elsewhere
  15. Sometimes, like now, I feel like shouting to the world. I THINK IT AS DHM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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