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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Yeah, if so then it could be an actual booked trip/walk, rather than 'Just going' somewhere. Not the best thing to do the day after you have a stiff back!
  2. Maybe not them, Saturday, busiest day for a salon! Remember this. And there IS someone who she hasn't seen all week. 😉
  3. Can tell she's been working in the salon for one reason, one part of her anatomy.... She keeps grabbing the base of her spine. Standing up and then stooping when doing eyebrows. Stiff back, that's why she had the bath. Classic sign!
  4. Yeah saw that as i was replying to you. Unless it's just getting them out of hibernation for the autumn, but most likely a hike? She and Malia went on one a while ago you may remember with a group.
  5. I know you don't (!) but i am looking at the reasons myself, just doesn't sit right with me. JMO. I understand what you say and all the stats etc, but she is different now, and i think the reasons now are different as a result. It's just been one after another after another after another, it loses all meaning when there is so many. Anyway my Canadian stalker is around so i'm off.
  6. Oh right, ok. Yeah it was in the sense that she DOES do things, i am looking around right now at the thumbs and everywhere else is a flat as a pancake, nothing anywhere else. And this is a Friday night! So she has top cam yet again all to herself. What i do fear though is what i have said before, that she seems too much in 'Show' mode since Malia left, where the bates etc are becoming too often. 6 in just 1 week, by this point it loses all meaning, and that is where she can get repetitive and stale. Where it fast becomes a life on cam where this is all she does, and that could happen if she isn't careful. She could become the persona itself.
  7. Yes but that was then, and the site has changed a lot when you think. I mean right now, i could be wrong, but either way, she will on quite the earner i am sure.
  8. It should be quiet, considering the last 8 days. Otherwise that would be over the top.
  9. Soon as you said it, the door light went on and i just knew it was her!
  10. And the reply is 'How long's a piece of string?'....!
  11. Oh yeah, she knows full well at some point all this has to end. She sees Prague as her new home city, but still has a long way to go until getting full residency. And to do so, full time employment will be needed. So what happens if rlc goes belly up all of sudden? Always a big risk, just like when the Russian apartments closed overnight. Anything can happen. Look at the Malia situation - Did no one at the company know she was there on an expired visa? So yes, by having a 'go to' plan will not only be very sensible, it's also needed. I would imagine cash wise, she would have no trouble surviving for quite some time without work, but that will only go so far. And age comes into it, she is indeed in her 30's now, and this is often the decade where people's lives change. (Personally, family, kids etc). But i do feel that she has no intention of moving on any time soon, i can certainly see her still here when she is 32 for example. It's a very swanky, cushy life that must be so hard to give up, and i fully understand why. City centre apartment, no bills, no rent, a lump sum of cash every month, plus online 'Fame'. No wonder.
  12. Yep, a combination of a lack of any real, regular competition plus (Dare i say it) Ego and narcissism. But you can see why she does it - All she has to do is this, and it works! But like i said, this is how she becomes a robot, predictable. 6 bates in just 1 week? By the start of the sixth, it felt like 'Umm, what does this mean now?'. Yet, one look around and it's 'She is the only one doing anything' quite often. (This is why yesterday, the best part for me was seeing her with Paul, as that was her at her most natural) Unless there is a bottomless pot of money to throw around, then at some point the outgoings will exceed the incomings. And any business cannot survive if that happens. I would imagine Leora commands the biggest individual pay packet, but look at how many they employ - 26 tenants, plus all the bills, rents etc. Then the staff at HQ. If people stop subbing, unless they have backers who plow money in regardless, then at some point things must suffer. Looking at the graphs, how it is falling in the rankings, the countries you would expect to be biggest audiences (USA, UK etc) are way down the list, it does not look good at all. GOV tenants return on a regular basis, maybe because they don't have employment elsewhere? Unable to attract new people? All this is connected. Even Leora must think to herself sometimes 'This is getting too easy'.
  13. It is amazing how hit and miss the site is now, so much isn't happening - Especially at weekends, which is the time you would think the company wanted people at home and doing stuff. Yet look, so often many places are dead to the world. Is it therefore any wonder how Leora can win so many replay days by herself? That first week after Malia left, it was all her. The only places that can compete and beat on a regular basis now, are Masha and Martina by the looks of it. GOV is hit and miss depending on who is there, and some of the couples, you wonder who watches at times, with how they fare in the thumbs. All Leora has to do some days is just sit and open her legs and she wins (and boy, does she know it). That's it! The company seems to be falling at such an alarming rate, the Alexa figures don't look good at all - Yet no one seems to be doing anything about it. Could this indeed be the beginning of the end?
  14. This is one of those 'Whoa' moments you sometimes have. Last night, Leora bated on the couch, then went into the bedroom, put on porn and bated again. Last year, there was a night where the girls got drunk, Malia played with Leora's pussy on the couch for half an hour, then they went into the bedroom, put on porn for the first time and bated each other, for one of their best nights together. That night was September 16th. EXACTLY one year ago. How bloody ironic is that?
  15. I think i better drop out now, my enemies have arrived. You know who they are. I am in the minority.
  16. Look, i am clearly in the minority and i accept this. People want to see her alone and bating all the time, and she is giving them those shows. I just don't like seeing her becoming an image, where this is all she does. Being alone, and with nothing else to do. And i feel it's fast appearing. It's only my opinion, but i knew there was a real chance of this as soon as Malia left. But if people want to hit me with a volley of abuse, i'll take it. I look at her as a person, and this could easily take over her. But right now she's winning day after day, so again, who am i to question this. She's already won top replay today.
  17. I suppose you can say that's different. Never did that with Malia did she? Now that is odd, considering.
  18. Yep, show number 2. This time with threesome porn (Yet, skipped past the opening bit when it was with just the women....) I have to be so careful now with what i say, as someone is always ready to tell me off, if i offer any slightly negative feedback. But this is getting too easy to call now, since Malia left. The last 4 bate nights i and others called so far in advance. And that ain't fun to do, believe me. I just don't find it healthy for her, she is backing herself into a corner. This is how she can become robotic and predictable. And what happens if she goes a week without? She could end up being expected to present this all the time now she's alone. But it's working for her, top views, and she is giving what a lot of people want, her on her own, regular as clockwork shows. So who am i to say anything.
  19. I meant in the 'Show' element in general, not what she uses! It could fast become this and little else.
  20. You could be right yes, but recently it has been become quite easy to predict well in advance.
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