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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. No wait, think of it like this - You want to see Leora really happy, to have what she wants? That's what she wants. And i am sure you do want to see her happy.
  2. Well it's what she wants, it's been discussed, it'll happen at some point!
  3. Her appetite is back for sure! HOW big is that plate of strawberries??
  4. Yes, i accept all that. But the last line can add "...Until Paul goes". I have always said, LB is a substitute, not a replacement. That's the key. A Stop-Gap. In lieu of Paul, for me as simple as that.
  5. Well the good news is that she's back eating solids, so her tummy trouble must have gone now.
  6. Maybe she did a few hours at the Salon, very possible as her hours have increased slightly. Could she though have met LB for a few hours? Again, Very possible. My view on why all this is how it is, having read the last few pages? Simple, the same as i've thought for a long, long time. Power. Having control over someone else. Feelings? Yes, of course, but they don't come anywhere near the ones she still has for Paul (And she has said this kind of thing out loud). But has anything actually changed with her and LB? No. Earl is right, things are exactly the same. As far as LB is concerned that is. I don't call him weak and gullible for nothing.
  7. Exactly one year ago tonight, they had a happy ending massage that both really got into, Leora wearing her glasses and causing her to go all Eric Morecombe at the end (Some people will get the reference!). All gone forever!
  8. Do all your replies involve farts and poo? 😧 🤣
  9. Well, in the last 24 hours, who's she turned to? Who was there for her, despite it being the middle of the night for him, the first person she thinks of? When does she look more content and natural? See, people don't think it's still as it was in that sense, but trust me - It is. And who didn't she called on....😃 Plus, whatever this comedy show is, on the tablet, she's been watching a lot of the last few nights, and it's really making her laugh out loud, which is great to see!
  10. Was she thinking of a 'Making up for last night' show?? Looked like it. Hmm. This is the Robotic thing i feared could happen. Sorry, i don't like that at all! Not with how crap she feels.....I don't mean to be rude, but i can't see as anything else. Some sort of self compulsion to perform, despite feeling so poorly. Like was said the other night, if she isn't feeling like it, tired etc, then there's no need, we watch her anyway! That's what fans do! You don't stop watching your footie team if they get relegated do you?
  11. I have to say, the top 2 thumbs look astonishingly identical!
  12. You can tell, her cleaning is incredibly half hearted for her standards! She'll be tired and drained, i can see it in her face. Still feeling her belly now.
  13. Yeah, that's a good suggestion simply to have in the house anyway if needed rather than pills etc, she is still feeling her belly and looks pale. That last night doesn't just go all of a sudden, it lingers so she is still feeling the drained affect, especially from how she was in such pain at one point.
  14. Still looks a little peaky for me, not fully better yet, but that shouldn't be a surprise considering. Pity she doesn't have a hot water bottle, that will help and comfort. In fact a long hot bath will do as well. So Leora - Buy a Hot water bottle!
  15. She spoke before about eyebrows so may have gone to the salon, it's possible. Whether she has felt the need to now go see a doctor though, don't know.
  16. No, nothing. I really can't see her doing anything like that until she feels well enough.
  17. No, she can't, having been so sick and is still in some pain even now, plus all that energy will sap her immediately. She hasn't got any of her extra stuff out either which is a sign.
  18. She feels much better today, most of the pain has gone (But you can see some is still there) and told Paul she will stick to easy things like soup. But it's meant to be her Dance class tonight - The irony of it all is, only last night she was complaining to Paul about people's attitude there, and that she worried some people may drop out and there wouldn't be enough to hold a class - And look, hours later she got sick herself! Can't see her being in the right state to dance can you.
  19. Yes, and where she is holding too, that's too high up. So it will be her stomach. She also said she will see how she feels in the morning after some sleep. But she spent some time again in the toilet and is still in pain, you can see. She may be tough but anyone can get unwell, she should remember this. She did manage to joke with Paul before about it, telling him i bequeath you the Dog!
  20. Well, that's the thing isn't it. For all that she was glad to 'have freedom' (Read - Get rid of Malia), things like this can happen out of nowhere. Being alone isn't all bating and cam views is it. This is the reality part. Hence why she has relied on her man tonight to be there for her. And he has been there for her, all night. The one that's 3000 miles away that is. Never bothered at all with Mr. Perfect just down the road.....
  21. Maybe wasn't the best thing for me to choose then.....🥺 I do prefer Branston myself.
  22. WHAT A SHOCK! Remember this Leora (& everyone) - RDKing thinks that you being in genuine pain and vomiting is actually funny! Remember that.
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