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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Just getting it in before all the silly questions start - You know what they're like!
  2. ....And before anyone says anything - The reason he has just one bag is because she told him he can buy everything there rather than travel with a lot of stuff. Ok? Good.
  3. That's because the plane trip was just the first and shortest part.
  4. And the alleged journey, claimed on here, was wrong countries, wrong transport.
  5. I was referring to some one who said only 2 days ago that the story of Paul and Eva going to Prague was 'Bullshit' and just imagination.
  6. I don't know what that means, but i was not referring to you, if that's what you thought.
  7. Someone who's been quite vocal on here recently, is going to look rather silly, rather soon.
  8. Hey how could i know why? It's not like she said she would, as it's one of Paul's favourites. A wild stab in the dark. Which is what some people on here could do with 😱
  9. Making Porridge. I have absolutely no idea why. 😉
  10. Poor little Eva decided to have an altercation with the cage she was sat in, clearly it wasn't to her standards, but came off second best, and lost a tooth! Which caused brief panic, and yet another delay, but all turned out ok after being checked. Now that's how you make up a story, as an RLC agent! 😊
  11. Don't want to know where your hand is! Thank you very much.
  12. She'll wake up with jaw ache tomorrow, if she keeps on smiling so much! 😁 (Though why she's smiling, who knows because nothing is happening etc etc)
  13. Yeah, she's now a breed called Peterbald, which is very popular in its home country of Russia, particularly Siberia. See how it all comes together? We didn't just make all this up on the spot. It took a lot of planning.
  14. Ok here's the truth. LB never existed. Denis is a paid RLC staff member. Malia was arrested and sent to jail for 20 years. Zena now works as a TV weatherwoman in Moscow. Paul lives with a Religious cult. And Eva had a sex change and is now a Cat.
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