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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Aww she's all gooey and sentimental tonight! Sweeeeet!
  2. She does make me laugh when she's all giddy, how she walks on tiptoes dead fast. We know why - Not long to go now!
  3. But some can be so complex, she'd be doing it every 30 seconds. Would take her all day to watch one episode!
  4. Poirot! I know that music. She'd love A Touch Of Frost, but you have to really concentrate on that, which means not picking the phone up!
  5. Turns out i was right about the fitness regime. I love being right! 😆
  6. Don't know about in the apartment, but i can guess on here, when the night shit shift clock in.
  7. Blimey, size of that bottle of cleaner. Nearly as big as her! 😄
  8. He's mates with Bishop Stortford, Corporal Punishment and Major Incident.
  9. I think it's still on its way down, must be caught in the wind.
  10. But wait, i'm confused! We were reliably told there was no LB, there was only one guy and that was in fact a certain other person she was dating - At least that was what we were informed? Now i don't know what to think
  11. Confirmed by the lady herself to Paul this morning.
  12. I'm just waiting for 'someone' to agree and say 'great point'.....
  13. Oh please do tell all you know about LB!! This WILL be fascinating!!
  14. Well, when someone isn't popular a blind eye can be taken. Not just that though, you've seen what's been written, what's been derogatory, and yet......She is still there to perform and do as she's told? All this is really, really fucking me off.
  15. You lot will have to pick sides, because i am getting more and more pissed off at this. No one seems to be bothered. Well i am. I know who was behind it, where it comes from originally etc. They are so fucking thick. And to think it might not even mean a thing to her. This is making me more angry than anything before. Warned you all before about this, now it's coming to fruition.
  16. No. Nothing like that, and nothing you are involved in. The forum has been wrecked. And i am fucking sick to death of it. There are a couple of retards who deserve nothing, yet seem to be getting away with everything.
  17. I thought you did actually have some brains. The sarcasm in my post was oozing out.
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