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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Now wait a minute! That's out of order, i have full respect for you - In fact a lot more than for some 'Regulars' who come in. All it was, was because last night it got out of hand, that's all. You yourself weren't the worst culprit at all. It was simply as it seemed to start up again today! Just trying to put a lid on it. I thought you'd know me better than that. I have been publicly berated by one of the shall i say "Older" members, for mentioning Malia on the Leora Fan Page!!! How retarded is that?? The simple reason why some other OT stuff is ignored is because it's either illogical or plain stupid.
  2. PLEASE NAGS!! PLEASE EVERYONE!! We had full pages of this last night, hence why i changed the thread name! If you all want to argue back and forth about Covid, please do this somewhere else.
  3. As soon as i saw the words "Came across", i knew what it was about. Remember i mentioned a family of Rabbits she has seen from the window playing? When she went out yesterday, she 'came across' one that was so cute, sadly it had been struck by something, possibly a cyclist if it had ran out in front of it. She just hoped it hadn't suffered. That's all it was.
  4. Er, isn't all this what staff say is Off Topic? Isn't there a place elsewhere for this? Sorry but this is filling pages now.
  5. If that's true, then Eva and Mat should perhaps have a quick chat with Malia about the Ukraine situation, see if they would say to her it's all ok.
  6. Ah you see i knew that, but only because i read this post. So i pre-empted you by doing it afterwards. 🙃
  7. Not the first time you have suggested this, and again the answer is NO.
  8. She said she does have to go to the store, but whether that is the only port of call, let's see.
  9. The title of this thread is subject to change without notice!
  10. She wants Paul to stop up with her, but i think he's tired, it is the middle of the night for him.
  11. So she stuck a tampon up her for no reason apparently. Ye Hah. You can thank me now.
  12. "An avocado first thing, stops the sting in the minge" That's it, sing it, it fits!
  13. Now you see why the ad campaign wasn't as successful as 'A Mars a day helps you work rest and play'. Not as catchy was it.
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