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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. I was talking about the length of her hair. Nothing else.
  2. She's moved it now but just before in the mirror, with the pillow behind chopping her hair off, she was Leora in 2014 again!
  3. Time for a vindication celebration me thinks. Sausage, chips and beans with the Kinks box set on. That's me btw, not her. She may bate instead. Better if it's that way round, unless you actually get a kick out seeing me.....eat. 🥺
  4. There's going to be a couple of smug buggers on here in the not too distant future. Maybe. 🙃
  5. No, i mean it genuinely means nothing. That date is irrelevant, it doesn't refer to anything.
  6. It's more to do with sorting the documentation for Eva with the Russian veterinary service, but yes, that's involved too.
  7. Maybe the 50th anniversary of it when they are pensioners can be brought up as well. FFS. Out.
  8. Being alone in Prague had nothing to do with anything regarding anything - It was always the plan he would join her eventually. But Covid stopped it in its tracks. He has, yes, taken some persuasion but then again, not everyone wants to leave home just like that. But all that matters is it's now finally happening. Some stories told on here are as far away from the truth as humanly possible. There has been some real bullshit told, still is in fact. This time last year Paul started to learn Czech - Why the fuck would he do that??!! Yet some ignored it!! It can be hilarious how wrong they are. GAG reported it first before anyone else, i said it soon after, and this has been for the last year and a half, that Paul and Eva were going to Prague, and it was just dismissed, even laughed at. I was even called and out and out Liar, by someone as the answer to one question clearly wasn't what they wanted to read! But who has the last laugh.
  9. I have stuck up for him too, because although he may not be a Saint, and i never condone anything physical ever, it still has to be remembered just how many happy years together. And they both still want it. Plus, over the last 2 years i have seen a different Leora. At times confused, bizarre, troubled, unsettled. And of course one night literally on the verge of a breakdown, which was horrific to watch. Apart from when Malia provided comfort when needed, when was Leora at her most settled, quiet, calm, the OLD Leora? When she was talking to Paul. As J says, he IS her rock. He makes her happier than anyone else. AND IT'S WHAT SHE WANTS. FUCK ANY OF US LOT, IT'S NONE OF OUR BUSINESS IS IT!!
  10. Well, she said when he got his visa it was "The best morning ever", she has said many times how she misses him, she called him late last year to remind him it was their 10th anniversary, she has sent him dozens of hearts on Skype, she has said how much she wants her "Beautiful boy and her beautiful girl" beside her again, and she couldn't love anyone else to way she loves him. So in a word - Yes! 😄 ....And that's just off the top of my head, there are tons more examples. Oh and doing stripteases as well, almost forgot.😁
  11. The only problem with Leora watching Marple, is that i have to see Amanda Holden on screen. A woman so wooden, she was trained in acting by MFI.
  12. If that doesn't invite Gregg to respond i don't know what will.
  13. I feel sorry for those poor innocent pedestrians below who ended up with a scalp full of shisha ash on occasions. I mean, they must have....🙂
  14. Plus i know someone who often also does all three of those things listed above (Sleeping till 3/Lights on/Sound on). Me. Hardly unique traits are they.
  15. On a proper UK detective bent again, first Line Of Duty, then Sherlock, now Miss Marple and Midsomer Murders. She'll be watching old episodes of The Sweeney and Crown Court next.
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