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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Hope she remembers to put the material on it, otherwise i can't see it keeping much out.....
  2. This is why people are (understandably) confused isn't it, when we say it's on, then it stops. As far as Leora and Paul are concerned, they are ready - But when someone says "You now need to do this" or "I want to take another look at the Dog before issuing anything", that causes yet another delay and of course, they can't do anything about it. (There was one call wasn't there, when we could literally hear him boxing things up) Hence why April became May 1st, then 10th, then 20th..... And if all this faffing around to get it all sorted doesn't prove how committed both of them are, then i don't know what would (Despite what some may say).
  3. She told Paul earlier that she wanted to 'Sort out this problem' because, as you say, the stuffiness combined with the bugs are making it harder to sleep and the net will help solve it.
  4. You have to be careful, coz even when she says things out loud, she can change her mind or something happens to stop it. She was meant to be going to watch Rammstein in concert this week. Got a ticket last month. She never went.
  5. Well done! However i said today - "They've spoken 3 times and all was fine, no "Oh no" chat at all, far from it in fact, but i didn't get anything specific about the certificates. I can't see it being any problem though." At NO point did she say "You can travel now!". That is why.
  6. And what intel is that? I didn't hear anything about it, as i said earlier. Do you have a 100% source like others do? I'm fascinated to know.
  7. I don't know what a church mouse would sound like orgasming. Maybe it would be like Ez-squeek-iel. Look, what do you want at such short notice.
  8. Leora, would you like me to call you awful names and not correct false stories? Coz it's very easy to do. If that's what it is. If this is what you take notice of?? EH???
  9. Especially surprised if that person was standing right behind you. 😮
  10. Yeah, 9% strength Treacle. Urgh. Get one of these instead!😃
  11. Ah but would she smile after your 4th can of Special Brew? Look at it that way.
  12. They've spoken 3 times and all was fine, no "Oh no" chat at all, far from it in fact, but i didn't get anything specific about the certificates. I can't see it being any problem though.
  13. Kiss off the pink and straight to the brown for a long screw shot.
  14. Hidden in there is a cheeky joke that only about 4 of us would get. Including Leora. 😉
  15. Just as long as it was a dildo, not one of the neighbours, Eric White from no. 40.
  16. Now you see, that can be interpreted as 3 scenarios. It can be read as you - Was in bed with a Koala Was excited or Masturbating with a Mr. White. I do hope it was the third one.
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