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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Yes, that has already been spoken about by them.
  2. All that matters is the here and now, and that is - All the paperwork has been done and sorted, all the official stuff has been given the thumbs up, he has started packing things, and all the medical stuff for Eva is being taken care of. Even last night she told her Dad that Paul was just weeks away now. What happens in the future, who knows, maybe even they themselves don't yet. BUT - I think after all the planning and arranging, it's quite a lot just for a short time, yes? So don't be surprised if this ends up being permanent. As G-H said as far back as last year, all the work to get a visa had begun then, it's not just a simple case of hopping on a plane, there were/are so many things to deal with - Covid, a war, a sickly Dog, a business, office space, an apartment, his own parents etc etc..... She has finally got what she wanted, what she has worked for since arriving in Prague - For the family to be reunited. Just look at it that way, don't look 3, 6, 10 months down the line just yet.
  3. Watching Hardtalk on BBC news. Didn't expect that.
  4. ..... Hang on, you posted these 2 within a minute of each other. You been talking to my Doctor?
  5. Tell you what, it's a good job you're not right in front of me right now!! I wouldn't be able to see the TV. 😃
  6. Dad. He's away for a break that she's paid for. She said to Paul be quiet for the call, so instead he just put the phone right near Eva and made her growl. 😆
  7. Looks like its time to bail again, i can't believe some stuff i read. Unbelievable! 🤪
  8. No and even if it was, that is something that is against forum rules - NO REAL NAMES.
  9. Surprised she's still putting lemon in her water, she thinks she may be allergic to them.
  10. He's defo got all muscley now - He's just walking round in his pants. Sure she asks him to! Unless it's a special display for Gregg. And Stn. And look at it this way, that could get her in the mood later on.....
  11. Yeah the other night she was saying to Paul she did this after her working out, also mentioned it to her Dad.
  12. She said her legs and neck still hurt. The book she also came home with, is a tour guide of Prague which she got simply as she liked the illustrations in it.
  13. It was about Eva, double checking things about her medication etc, as she is naturally worried and cautious about getting things right for the trip.
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