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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Got till January now for the Birthday one, not that she would forget by then of course.
  2. .....It was meant to be a 'Servant Of The People' shirt, the series starring Zolensky, but she didn't have her glasses in the shop. 😶 That's me on the naughty step again.
  3. Damn, this was meant to be a PM!! Shit, this will be the first thing she'll have a go at me for then!! Just ignore all this everyone.
  4. That reminds me - Can you make this weekend's planning meeting on zoom? She wants us to get the dates right.
  5. The more accurate info given, the more the insults are piling in. So the more the insults, the longer on strike. If you play with feathers, your arse gets tickled. 7th Nov 2020.
  6. Not even close. Not even related to now. Actually, to with Paul. Oh wait, i don't know anything do i.
  7. T------, s-- w--- a---- t- t-- l---- f--------- a-- a-- s--- c---------. 😊
  8. She also said to Paul she knows where he c-- p-- t-- c------- w--- h- a------. See, i can be a right dick if people mess.
  9. Your home from home for crackpot conspiracies and ignorant logic, all under one roof!
  10. Yeah, did happen - Easiest procedure ever. They only had to give him a haircut. 🧐
  11. Oh don't worry, i read that it's all ifs and nothing's happening, all boring, so it's clearly all false and won't happen. It's all been made up.
  12. True - That first night back, she'll drain him dry! I hope he's ready 😄
  13. Even when Paul walks through the door, it won't be him - Just an actor paid to play the part of Paul, to fool us all. Isn't that how things go on RLC, according to the Magic Bullet theorists??
  14. ✔️ Careful though Earl, there are some pricks who don't believe any of it.
  15. Months and months of hard work. Lots of listening, working things out, who is who, explaining things, sorting out the fact from the fiction. Then presenting what can be written publicly with solid evidence to back it up. And for what? For retarded tin foil hat wearers to simply piss all over it with a maniacal grin. So - I'm on strike. I hope GH takes the same approach. You know who to blame. Fuck it. No more info.
  16. No, not yet. But she has a spring in her step, doesn't she, bless her.
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