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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Now i said no one tell him, oh well done! ๐Ÿ˜•
  2. ....Or Eva climbing onto the bedside table. But not a word to Jimbo about it.
  3. No one tell Jimbo, but I see the Koala has decided to block cam 8's view again. ๐Ÿ™
  4. Plus arranging all of Eva's treatment, her Dad's treatment, paying for it all, paying for other things her Dad wants or needs including holidays, helping her friends, fixing problems for them, cooking for them, finding out the prices to charge for the business after expenses etc, going through it all with Paul, immediately spending hours and hours looking at ways to get Malia out of Ukraine if it was needed, learning the laws of various countries due to all the trouble, learning the Czech language, AND still learning her salon courses during all this. Before she then settles down to entertain her audience. Isn't it easy to not realise just how much she does in life? I would say she actually lives more a 'Real' life than a lot of others elsewhere on the site.
  5. Not just that, but some of the names she has been called have been disgusting, even recently. The fact she chose to live this way, dare i say it, chose this career, means that for some, it's open season, she's fair game to be treated like a piece of meat, a plastic product who is there to do what THEY want, as if she's in an Amsterdam front window. So if she did, she wouldn't get any sleep due to being busy entertaining guests, sticking this and that up herself, wearing 14 different outfits, even eating what she should be instead of what she herself chose and likes. How long would anyone here (and i do include myself in this) last before we would get annoyed at what is written - A couple of days? She has lasted 9 years despite it. Not bad going for such constant verbals!
  6. Tell you what, but both will be in really good shape when they reunite. She was saying to Paul she trained for 3 hours and felt good apart from her legs hurting, which is why she slept with a pillow underneath them, and seeing Paul stood up a couple of days ago, i don't wish this to sound fruity, but his pecks were massive! I know he does a lot of training, in fact she thinks he's overdoing it, he had some trouble from it so of course, as soon as he says something is wrong, that's her panicking about him. So i would suspect work outs will be a good preparation for all the bedroom gymnastics! ๐Ÿ˜†
  7. Oh she does respond, i once told her "If you appreciate the good work i do, please show absolutely no sign whatsoever". And she did(n't)! ๐Ÿ˜†
  8. No food, so must have been a call. Going for the hattrick tomorrow Stn??๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  9. โœ”๏ธ She wants some old recipes from him and her step mum so she can cook them for Paul. Oh damn, i was meant to be on strike. I'm a self-Scab.
  10. Cam2 's only good if you're a fan of her right hip. Certainly cam 1 will pass muster! ๐Ÿ˜† Eva will have a helping hand (paw) this time, she'll be able to see the light above the door! She's just fed something outside at the front, threw some food out, maybe Rabbits - She was talking to Paul about 3 weeks ago and jumped up all excited when she saw them running after each other. Then again, knowing her eyesight, i hope they weren't Rats. ๐Ÿ˜ฒ
  11. Animals know! When i would come home, my cat knew it was me, for anyone else she would run as soon as she heard the door open and hide. The opening of a door is the same isn't it, yet they know who it is!
  12. That's a perfect example of always check more than one camera. Switched back on and saw on cam 4 she's bought a pop-up tent. Why, i'm thinking. Then i check cam 8. It's just her umbrella. ๐Ÿ™ƒ
  13. Oh might as well say - When she goes, she will come back a minute later to get something else. Forgot a mask, or a bag, or changes a shirt, this time it was getting an umbrella. But the amount of times she leaves only to then come back in.
  14. No, nothing like that at all, not what i'm on about. Re-read my post.
  15. Seriously, i reckon it's at least 50% of the time. Bet she does this more than any other tenant. And she's just done it again. Know what i',m on about?
  16. She was eating Watermelon. Watermelon actually has the opposite effect, it's known to help cellulite shrink. So There!! ๐Ÿ‘…
  17. No it's a fact, something to do with the pace of her breathing when played back at x3 speed, or a look towards the cam for 0.004 seconds at, according to the experts in all this.....
  18. Don't forget, she went out of her way to get rid finally of those 'Never-Ready' batteries and got working ones just for you.....
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