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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Short but sounded sweet enough. That's done me for the night!
  2. NOW THAT IS A KICK IN THE DICK. SHE'S JUST PHONED LB. on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.......
  3. .....But likes doing it. The other night funnily enough, when she felt rough she told Paul she WAS going to do it but wasn't up for it then, which pissed her off as she "Likes/Enjoys it". (Word changed depending on which cam)
  4. Sorry Gregg, was only available on cam 15. Exclusive footage. Well, bummage. 😃
  5. Yeah, i'm useless at lying to protect her. What she actually said to Paul was "When i said i was having a beauty treatment, i actually went to get bummed senseless and now i have no feeling in the back door - So i have to watch what i eat. Especially no Curries". 💩 Obviously the word 'injections' in my original post was ignored.
  6. Interested to see what that white machine is that she's unboxed. It looks like a new Massager, yet she looked at the windows when she took it out. Because she said to Paul about a massage, but also that she will clean the windows.
  7. Funny how those bruises have been there for 2 days prior but no one saw them then - The very same day she went to have injections and a skin peel treatment..... By the time she'd finished cleaning on Saturday night, they had come up properly. So guess what - It's from part of the beauty treatment. Sorry to piss on people's fantasies. Not.
  8. Exactly what i was thinking. If this source is so good, then he would already know the situation and what has been said for several months about all this. No questions would be needed. Even the last 2 days have been interesting, haven't they G? Oh and she didn't say 'i love you' on that call the other day, she said 'i'll meet you'.
  9. I am just translating what LEORA HERSELF says. She said this to Paul, she went online and ordered stuff. That is why i wrote what i wrote. Yet again, holes are being poked - Which is why people like myself and GH are put off by this attitude. So, have it your way. Tell you what - Write to me in PM and not only tell me the names of all the people she mentions in calls, but also who they are, how they fit into her life. I'll give you a head start - THERE ARE 22 DIFFERENT PEOPLE. Get anywhere near that and i will take you seriously. Until then......LOL indeed. Fuck this total mong shit.
  10. She's getting into a Russian/Ukrainian comedy series called The Last Muscovite.
  11. All 3 call have been Paul. She was meant to do some work today but can't now, reiterated how bad she feels by adding several strong curse words in her description, she is going to the Pharmacy like you said, she admits she made a mistake by going out yesterday when she should have stopped in. No updates on Malia, she's only messaging at the mo, i don't know if she's still inside the country or not.
  12. They spoke earlier this morning before this, said she feels rotten, her head and throat hurt and she wants his support.
  13. Yesterday, the call people thought was LB on the balcony i think was actually Douche. Her trip in the afternoon was salon related. The first call last night when she got back was with her Dad. After that, every call including the 'giggly' one Blue mentioned, and all the calls today and tonight in the kitchen, bath and bed were to Paul.
  14. The Shisha is actually in the toilet now, she uses this on Skype to send Smoke Signal messages to LB to avoid any translations. Also the actor playing the part of Paul on calls now sometimes gets things wrong which is why she suddenly dashes in there to tell him to check the script. (He wrongly called the dog Colin the other day)
  15. Ok, you're right. I've been lying all the time. What i heard over the last 2 years day in day out, week in week out that hasn't been written down in chat well i made it all up. Good story. Also everything i've been told privately by certain people directly connected, oops shouldn't have said that. Silly me! Yeah, nothing in it. Let's all forget it. Other people are always 10000% accurate.
  16. had enough of this shit. Justify it all, say why she shouldn't be like the way she is. I pay after all, so therefore she should explain herself with Paul. The Holier Than Thou attitude. I have said enough over and over. some people just can't take it. this is as much pleasure as being kneecapped by the continuity IRA.
  17. Like i said, forget the business. If he worked on the bins she'd still be with him.
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