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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Yep, pretty much that, no date though of arrival has been said, then again it was messed up slightly so that will be different anyway. The only date i know of regarding anything in general, is a concert she's going to but that's a couple of months away yet. I think they are still at home right now, but set-off time could be anytime.
  2. I can exclusively reveal, now it's working better, that what she was actually talking about was feeding and watering the Lemon tree..... ....See the connection/Weirdness?
  3. Bloody internet keeps stopping so messes the translations, but i can assure you she did NOT say to Paul earlier - "pineapples in the typewriter for excellent washing....."
  4. Malia is ok, she and her husband have now got somewhere to live near the border, and she has money and support so she is settled for a while, and they know people who have evacuated so if they themselves have to go, they can do. They won't be going back home though at least for quite a while as their city has been decimated. But she's doing fine all things considered.
  5. Right well i guess people will be thinking what's what, and understandably so, but it appears that there has been a change of plan. This is due to something being messed up, either by themselves or a third party. Literally the following morning, the day after it sounded as if things were actually happening, she sounded annoyed and said "We won't deal with them again". So as far as i can tell, Paul and Eva are still at home, but there hasn't been a change of heart, just a different tactic, that's all that matters. It may take a little longer than originally planned though. And look how happy she has been, that tells you it's still on.
  6. See she's being treated like a piece of product by cavemen again. She must feel so proud.
  7. There is a quiet reception area downstairs as well as a private garden area just outside. She's taken private calls there from day one.
  8. I can only say so much in case it turns out different! But at least one of them will be there quite soon. Obviously she wants both, i don't know the full plan though (No one does of course). But from all that has been said recently and especially today (And bearing in mind, this is all from their own words), after many false starts, it's finally on.
  9. There is definite movement. This is sooner rather than later now.
  10. No, she isn't over the border, just drove to it. As far as i know they are still IN Ukraine, but they and all their neighbours went far away towards the west of the country and found somewhere to stay so if they had to, they could cross over out of the country. But i believe both want to stay in Ukraine like a lot of them do. As far as i know she has no plans to go back to Russia at all, and if she had to leave it would be west rather than east. That's all i can say, apart from she is well and right now seems to be settled.
  11. .....And while this is going on, what about The Little Star? She was saying to Leora that while getting away from the bombing to drive to the border, their car was held up by soldiers at gun point. Her husband was shaking with fear, even the cat fouled itself. They were let off and allowed to carry on when she showed her Russian passport. Aren't we all the lucky ones in the west right now eh?
  12. 😁 Yes it is an old TV show, what i mean is One man (Paul) and his dog (Eva).....
  13. Correct - Numerous setbacks, including Covid, illness and of course the current political climate, but right now, it looks on.👍
  14. Well, from what i heard and from what i already know, and i do hope i'm not going to be contradicted down the line, it sounded like this. 'Operation One Man & His Dog' has gone into overdrive.
  15. Only listened to the early call so far, he has an appointment and she wants him to shave and get a haircut because 'I Love my Paul* like that'. * Obviously didn't say Paul, but on CC he's Paul.
  16. We used to say she's Head & Shoulders above the rest, others were hair today gone tomorrow, she hates the war because of its barber-ism, and she's provided so many Highlights. Start the car.
  17. So it's Karma then! 😁 (She usually is when LB isn't around......BOOMBOOM!)
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