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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. No, nothing to do with that or you or LB or Paul or anything! Again you got a lot right, she spoke to one of the salon girls about doll making but like you said, the hair and clothes are hard to find so may have to do it online. And yes, she spoke with Malia while out.
  2. oh here we fucking go again for what, the 5000th time.
  3. When you use the translate button on here, very often it changes 'Her' to 'Him', depending on the language. That's what often happens with French to English. That's the answer Blue. And that's just from French, from Russian it can be incredibly difficult.
  4. ✔️ Pretty much it, they've spoken 3 times today. She isn't hungover but the mood wasn't right for champagne is what she said, but more importantly, the cleaning has messed up her nails so is going to have them done again. Poor thing. 🙃
  5. Good that her sad/annoyed tipsy state has gone, Paul has cheered her up on text and now she's all gooey.
  6. First her Dad, now Paul. It's fair to say she doesn't agree with the verdict.
  7. Right before anyone gets a wrong idea, she is upset today about Navalny.
  8. Yes but nothing connected with that, which is what i meant.
  9. But i wouldn't say she looks particularly happy, would you.
  10. I have a strong feeling that short trip was indeed LB related.
  11. Could be considered a bit Slutty or Trollopy. 🤨
  12. Sounds like the plan this afternoon is to clean the balcony. She's not impressed with Navalny's unsurprising guilty verdict.
  13. How come when i wrote that, i did indeed have a feeling that a certain person would notice?.....
  14. No, in my opinion, if she left she'd probably be on her own so Leora would try and get her to Prague as a refugee, i think that's why she was concentrating so much on it 2 weeks ago. But right now, with things still as they were, it's ok for her to still be inside the border. That though could change literally any hour, let alone day.
  15. Don't think she's left the country actually - She was with her hubby near the border last week, along with their neighbours, they'd found somewhere to stay, but i haven't heard of her crossing over yet.
  16. No i don't think they do anymore. Even just going off what we see and hear in the apt, their contact is so minimal when you think about it, literally weeks in between calls, so it does surprise me when a call out the blue comes like that. But in general terms right now, as long as Malia is safe, there's only one thing on her mind - Paul.
  17. ✔️ I think she may have mentioned it to Paul earlier this morning, hard to say for sure as she was talking in her baby voice to him.
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