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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. There is a photo shoot connected to the salon that she is going to. She complained she hadn't eaten so came back to do so. While chatting, she sent a message to Malia. She asked Paul to stay connected so she can still chat to him when she gets there, as there will be a lot of sitting around. She showed him both her hair and her spaghetti (Not a euphamism....)
  2. If you recall, the person who Leora was helping out on the phone wasn't in Prague full stop. So not Zena. Paul, her Dad and Eva are all under the weather right now, so naturally Leora is worried about them all and has had other things on her mind. Although Paul helped to calm her down earlier today and make her laugh. I also thought this morning that she didn't look too comfortable with having someone else there a lot. She's happy to have Zena round as a guest, but there is a big difference from that to her practically living there. Thanks for all the support messages.
  3. oh fuck off. i just had a call, yet another mate has died. he was only 44. fuck this shit here with this all this fakery. fuck life
  4. Sorry to sound all cynical, but what was it Leora herself said out loud more than once? Can't wait to get my apartment back all to myself. Feel restricted when guests are there. Can't be myself. Can't wait to have freedom back. And less than 6 months later?... Yeah, ok.
  5. She came to get what is clearly a massage/skin tool, which she is using on her forehead.....
  6. Only a passing resemblance H, both skinny and tall-ish, sweet natured, but you wouldn't say 'She looks just like her'. It's more the mannerisms etc. Not as doppleganger as LB is to Paul! 😆
  7. Paul, business stuff, thermal paste (Phwoar!). So you know now.
  8. It was all about websites and social media. Paul and advertising their phone business was mentioned.
  9. Ah possible, yeah. If they go before 9 and return after 6 then could be.
  10. I'm hazarding a guess here, but maybe Zena has to do something for work, has to fill something in online before her next shift? That's what i'm thinking.
  11. Blue blanket covering legs, and her phone resting against her ready to use. Hmm, where have i seen that before there? Looks familiar.....🤔 😄
  12. Yes it is, Coke straight from the bottle. 20.14 on cam 4. Check replay. As many times as you wish.
  13. Another perfect example of how words can sound English when they are actually Russian. She's been talking to Zena about a magazine. She was actually talking about a shop/store. Because the Russian word for Shop sounds just like Magazine in English.
  14. You don't know where to start with all this at times, do you G?
  15. Turns out she went to bed early simply as she felt like it, she told Paul she was just tired so didn't bother stopping up.
  16. Amazing how the idea of fame changes over time, and how famous people are wrapped in cotton wool nowadays. Imagine getting on a bus in Hamburg in 1970 and this guy just happens to be sitting opposite.
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