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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. I think she feels a bit crappy, she looks like she has hurt her back, she's walking with a slight stutter.
  2. Yep, that's why she showed them. She may have a day out soon, she was telling Paul about a family run farm with lots of animals to feed and pet while there, she'd been sent the details of the trip out which involves going early morning, but there was no actual definite plan, but she sounded interested in going at some point.
  3. Oh btw, last night they watched The House Of Gucci. Leora was saying how she loves the stuff and buy their tights and underwear, which is something she had spoken about months ago with Malia too.
  4. I got one word because of her position and that was 'Pressure' and that could be wrong. But she DOES NOT say anything in English.
  5. Certain words can sound like English words when they just aren't. A perfect example from the other day. When speaking to Paul, it sounded like she was talking a lot about football with him. She wasn't. Because the Russian word for 'T shirt' sounds just like 'football' in English.
  6. No, she says something in Russian that sounds slightly like it. That's the difference.
  7. No she doesn't. And your guesswork for Zena's age is way out too.
  8. I presume you've written that as a joke?? Because that does not happen. She says absolutely nothing in English, and only one word in Russian is clear at that point.
  9. So i guess this will be how the chat goes every single time Zena turns up, just constant willing for them to get sexual. Well so be it, nothing to do with me.
  10. And here's where chat takes a different turn.... See you tomorrow, when normality and us regulars can safely come back.
  11. Quite a posh thing to do - Be prepared right for a bath by having a shower first 😄 Reminds me of that glorious September. The Tuesday she had a shower ready to go and meet LB. Got out, called him, had a screaming bout, turned to Malia and said 'We're having a bath', cue 8 consecutive nights of brilliance. Then she made up with him. Cue end.😒
  12. Yes but the thing next to them, that looks like a card are packets, that's what i was referring to.
  13. I think the card are actually face packs, there are 2 packets and she put some in her own room.
  14. She has been helping this week with something back home, which has involved her having to go out like yesterday morning. I think it's something for her Dad, she was telling Paul that even in this day and age where everything is electronic, she still has to go and physically sign papers etc. She also didn't even get to eat until she came home as a result of being busy, speaking to different people.
  15. Someone clearly didn't think this through.
  16. She phoned him as soon as she came home but that was half an hour earlier.
  17. Very possible yes, considering she was clearing that area.
  18. She came home just after midday, moved the clothes horse into Malia's room, then it went UM seconds later.
  19. Well to be fair, she did also mention a cafe. But what i can say is this - The fact she has had zero contact as far as calls go with LB in that apartment for weeks and weeks, now, plus the fact she was talking to Paul basically about the night, then if he is involved....this would send the whole thing into Bizarro realms that would make everything so far seem perfectly normal!!
  20. Here we go again. Would you like to re-read what i wrote? She simply ASKED - NOT SHOWED.
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