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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Well i don't know why, but right now for me it's free. I can't say it any other way.
  2. No, just signed out and all Leora's cams are free.
  3. RLC all free right now. Do we subscribers get given an extra day? Sorry, dumb question.
  4. Now, just been blowing her nose, i would suggest one of those boxes from yesterday looked like it may be throat spray (Gave that impression), and i've already heard her clear her throat again. Here comes the Shisha. 😖
  5. They all seem to differ, depending. I remember years ago Nina and Kira keeping their tree up till February, something to do with Orthodox Russian Xmas and all that.
  6. As far as i am concerned Patou - Most definitely Yes! That has always been the case. It's just not come to fruition. LB has always been a substitute, a stop gap, a double!
  7. All i can say is i do believe there was a genuine fall out for whatever reason, mid week. Why, no one can know but i certainly think it's just another case of what has gone on all this time. Same as ever, basically. It actually doesn't even have to relate to yesterday, that's up for grabs. Blue is right, she may not have been with him, but whatever problem arose last week, looks like it's gone for the time being.
  8. I think that's a very sensible suggestion, it does look and sound like she picks up something from in there just as she is leaving. I can't think what else it would be.
  9. Yeah, spoke to Paul briefly this morning. Personally, looking at the last 24 hours, it's all been contradictory. I think her plans changed early afternoon, and i certainly don't think she was originally going to be away all night. Where and why....Who knows.
  10. Failed in my attempt to get a job in I.T. All i did was demonstrate the dance moves of a former Vice President of the U.S. I thought that's what they meant when asked to explain an Algorithm.
  11. Not really a joke, i believe it's true, but just a funny story. In the Sixties, Maurice Woodruff — a clairvoyant and astrologer — was being paid by film companies to steer the notoriously superstitious Peter Sellers in the direction of their projects. After gazing at the tea-leaves and into crystal balls, Woodruff told Sellers someone with the initials 'B.E.' would become very prominent in his life. He meant the film director Blake Edwards, hoping Sellers would register the link and accept the role of Inspector Clouseau. Soon after being given the initials, Sellers was introduced to a fellow film star - Britt Ekland. He married her just weeks later.....
  12. Very true. It's as if they now only have, say, 4 available ideas/options and keep trying different variations of them, one day all avenues will have been explored, and it's over.
  13. Don't know what show or film she is about to watch, but it's got 8 out of 10 stars, so must be good enough!
  14. That makes me chuckle, how she says something and grabs the cleaner, puts it in Malia's room and closes the door - Like it's been bad, "Now go in there and think about what you've done" 😆
  15. She has not had any calls in the apartment with him for 5 days, and she's been home a lot this week. Being out of town plays no part in that does it.
  16. Hi Blue. Well i have said this before, and it's worth a repeat here. When she falls out with You-Know-Who, we often get the backlash, which is - She ignores him and we get her in a better mood. More like 'Old' Leora, and look at this week, 3 dance routines in just 4 days so far. And not just that, but she is more happy talking to Paul too, yesterday her face lit up when he called her in bed. I go back once again to that glorious week last September, she and Malia played with each other for 8 consecutive nights. That was all triggered by a row with LB. But as soon as she called him again, it all stopped. So, maybe....Be wary!
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