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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. First call was Paul, not sure yet who the 2nd was to.
  2. Don't know when, other than this has been spoken about very recently.
  3. Yes, she spoke about Budapest as an option for the journey, and has herself checked routes etc recently to ensure what would be best for Paul and Eva's travel. The plan for them to go is still on.
  4. Well, i will say one thing. Yes, i still am on Prozac - So to call me 'Bi-Polar' is not only an insult, but shows what a horrible nasty individual you really are. Oh and BTW i just lost another close family member just 7 weeks after my mother. Not that it would matter to you clearly.
  5. Leora, if you want to sneeze - Look towards a light. Not right into it though! But that will help you do it.
  6. Maybe, but she seems to be under the weather so much in the last couple of months. Can't seem to get rid of a cold fully, constant sinus issues, stomach ache several times. It seems to be sticking around.
  7. I think she has tummy ache again. Keeps wincing and pressing it.
  8. Been a lot more happy texting in the last 24 hours....🙄 Quelle Surprise.
  9. Well maybe it finally got thrown away, if the last fall caused something to snap, like one of the screws or something. That's when all the coats went into the wardrobes instead. All 200 of them!
  10. No, having checked, it WAS there a year ago. But we never noticed it, so it's always been there! Fancy that!😄
  11. I'm going to have to check back, but i'm convinced that wasn't there when the coat hooks were.
  12. You know we've talked about no pictures on the wall - Well, there is, isn't there? If you look on cam 8, just through the door you can see what appears to be a frame with a design on it, close to where the coat hooks used to be. And i'm sure that wasn't there originally. It's almost out of shot, but it can be seen.
  13. Not that much really, don't forget, it all gets chopped up and put into a big bowl which she will then keep going back to. She often makes one large meal to allow her to have several meals from over a few days, especially when it's Veg (keeps longer).
  14. Spoken to Paul twice today (Maybe a third time too, when she dropped the Tomatoes off earlier but not sure), but she and LB have made up again, pretty sure about that. No idea where she went or has gone again, but already this week has a different vibe in a sense to last week, and that will be down to, well, the usual reason.
  15. Gone offline? Back now, couple of minutes freeze.
  16. I think she'll be getting up tomorrow before lunchtime.
  17. I think a call in the toilet is in progress. Looks like something's bugging her, not angry or upset, but unimpressed, lost in thought.
  18. Well right now there isn't a single bit of nudity anywhere, and all but 2 apts have free cams available. Read into that what you will....
  19. Cams are slowly being locked, only half free now.
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