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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Blue my mate, we were saying this one year ago. In a couple of weeks time, it is the one year anniversary where she came close to a nervous breakdown live on cam because of him, and she split soon after. She actually said, she'd had enough of the Heartache and headaches. She got back with him 2 weeks later. Despite another year of arguments, they're still together now. Hey Ho.
  2. Hmm, not sure about that Blue. Didn't go out dressed for a night away for me.
  3. Now that's playing it safe - Covers all bases! A 50% chance she'll go out.... 😆
  4. It's only just dawned on me, that she may have gone to a class, seeing as she was doing work right up to leaving quickly without making any fuss. Makes sense. Only a guess of course but ties in.
  5. She only looked at her phone to check the time, just threw on some clothes, so could be an appointment i agree.
  6. Well there's been one or two clues, and since Wednesday things have been different with her. But i also doubt this will last that long, i don't think it's a serious one. I'm sure 'Normal' service will be resumed soon enough 🙃
  7. No calls since Monday. And i have a strong feeling.....It's happened again.
  8. Accusing others of judging people, but now you are saying i am a 'Fucking prick'?
  9. Yeah, the night before she had to sort out picking it up, she had a delivery form, like it was arriving at the P.O or similar.
  10. I'm past having any arguments with anyone, so that's why i just move on now. I have enough Real stuff to deal with which is far more important.
  11. Well technically, i am the only one doing it the right way, as you aren't meant to use real names here. You may love him, but I will call him what i want.
  12. The Panda was LB, because it was given in person and was one of the ones she was going to throw away, funnily enough about this time last year. Only the Koala wasn't from him, she had been dating him only about a month at that point.
  13. We've never found it, the only thing we can say for sure is that it was sent by post, she had to arrange collection the night before, it wasn't given to her in person. Some think Paul, possible, some think Douche, unlikely. My thoughts at the time that she took it back out of the wardrobe, with everything recently, is that is was from her Father. Makes the most sense to me.
  14. It was Malia who she spoke to last night, just to confirm it, she was expecting the call (i think that's who she texted a little shortly before) and they had a good chat, catching up on things.
  15. Not been around for a few days has he? Come on Gregg, where are you!
  16. No it didn't go off tonight! Must have finally realised!
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