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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Pulo she is still awake and hasn't been to sleep yet. She is still staring at her phone at nearly half past 6.
  2. Now that's breaking news (Boom Boom). Just sent a full glass crashing, all over the floor, on her bed. Just what you need going on for 6am!
  3. Call in the toilet straight after a lot of texting. Pretty sure it's her Dad.
  4. And as far as i can tell, she is the only person awake anywhere.
  5. I agree on the reason. And they are doing it at all different times too.
  6. No, i just meant Leora's. I looked and saw only a few elsewhere, but yesterday (i think) virtually every apt was all free for some time.
  7. Yep, they keep doing this all over the place, suddenly all cams are free then they get locked shortly after.
  8. All cams free again in the apt, in the middle of the night.
  9. What is that bloody noise? Can't be the kettle, it's been going for 10 minutes! OH! The dishwasher. That sounds fucked.
  10. Just ended! But one of those massive calls where they have long silences, just being on the phone is enough.
  11. Well that's something none of us can answer!
  12. Yep, very possible, she may have made it for others anyway.
  13. She came back and has taken the bag, but instead filled it with food from the freezer and gone again. Looks like those things she made last night.
  14. Depends on her return, if she's back early, then for me, she was only going to wherever with the bag, and is now doing something else instead, possibly at the Salon. If she's back much later however, then perhaps she was always meeting LB later on anyway.
  15. To me it looks simply like she now has time to kill before going out, originally she would have left by now i guess, and her plans have changed.
  16. No she was asking also about something to do with her hair, so it sounds like with one of the girls if she does go out. I'm not ruling LB out completely at some point later maybe though.
  17. I think the 2nd call was to a salon girl, and she said something about not going and looking to do something else. That's how it sounded. And she has put the bag back in Malia's room.
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