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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. It's almost as if they are waiting for someone to buy them out at a reduced sale price.
  2. Just had a quick look at the latest Alexa ratings for RLC, the placing it has in overall traffic online. 90 days ago #3,376 Today #12,473 Wow. That's bad.
  3. There's no doubt she was in a bad way yesterday for sure, we know this, but she does bounce back quickly. Yet when she does, turns to the main cause of all her tears and tantrums for 18 months. THAT is what i have a problem with!!
  4. Well, i will say this - That although that bit's unclear, i do think PART of her troubles since Saturday have involved LB, but not all of it. I do think the tears were for something family related. But no calls to him, no shoulder to cry on, suggesting she didn't turn to him yesterday (until possibly, the last thing). But it's all fine between them - Quite clearly! Putting it all in chronological order and a few little clues, LB played the smaller part in this. But it's all done and dusted and she's off out. But this itself of course is as crazy as ever anyway.
  5. Doesn't she suit Cardigans? Even that big blue wool one she had on last night looks really good on her.
  6. I know the exact date of that horrific night but won't say just yet!
  7. No, this is Date night for sure. Left one light on so i guess will be back in a few hours.
  8. Seriously, how many times now? I can't even put a number on it. And on and on it goes.
  9. If she turned up in a Hazmat suit he'd still be skipping a beat!🥰 😒
  10. Auntie has arrived for sure, that won't help her feelings with everything. Talk about timing.
  11. ....Although, she is still looking a bit down. That from yesterday just hasn't gone like that, that will still be on her mind, but it looks like one aspect is now ok. Again. We know what that is.
  12. Me thinks you're correct. She's feeling better alright!
  13. No, that's Wednesday. She looks tonight like she could be 'Getting ready'....
  14. 😉 Don't be surprised if she is going out later.....
  15. Yes, and it also helps her mood when someone is back in her good books. I don't have to add anything there do i....
  16. And looking at how she is positioned now, and her happy texting, i think she's on her way back.....
  17. Just catching up - It was Paul she spoke to before on that massive call, her dad was discussed.
  18. Maybe a part of it, but not all. I think she's ok though.
  19. She wasn't arguing with anyone i don't think, she was upset about things and was letting it out last night, so was sad rather than angry. That's what she will have been doing i think last night. We still don't know all the details and probably won't but i think it has been more than one thing in the last few days, LB being one, and it all got to her. But today she is better and it seems yesterday was just showing she is human and as vulnerable as anyone. Thanks RDKing - You just can't stop stalking me can you?
  20. I'm not sure, i think this is Paul as she mentioned her father a few minutes ago, but in a 'Him', not 'You' sense. But i'm catching up so far. She talked to Paul earlier as well. Around 10 to 6 this morning, someone was texting her and making her smile, right now i do think if LB played part of yesterday, that bit at least has been sorted out late last night.
  21. All i know for sure is this - From this morning on, she has been upset and got more and more upset as the day went on. Then made 2 massive toilet calls, one after the other. Were they both to the same person? I have no idea, i can't have any idea. On the first she was crying then getting angry, On the second, sounded calmer. And by the end of the second, which lasted an hour and a half, she seemed ok and was laughing, the call ending fine. Things as a result seemed fine. But then immediately looks sad again afterwards and cried on the couch..... Now, what has today all been about? I can guess but could be way off the mark, i can guess and be right on the money. I simply can't say. But today she has been more upset than she has been for a long, long time. Yet, ended all calm and pleasant - But sad after the call ends....Suggesting that something in one (as yet unknown) area of her life isn't great. Time will surely tell, but i personally think, that we won't see any change here right now. But she's been through it today for sure. It's been a bad day for her.
  22. Still on the phone, but now sounds much calmer and is laughing.....
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