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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Well, i haven't seen or heard her this upset for 18 months. Not angry, but upset, and therefore i don't know, we simply can't know. She's not in a good way though, and it might not be the obvious.
  2. The thing is, we don't know for sure why she's like this, so we can't say if it can be sorted out. But this is pretty bad, whatever it is. It's really got to her.
  3. No chance in there, especially when the TV is on. It could be anyone.
  4. She's on a call and still crying. God knows what has happened, i have a slight feeling, but she is not doing good at all, bless her heart.
  5. She's crying again in the toilet, damn it. Poor thing. She's in a bad way.
  6. Oh was it, ok. Still names me as the writer though?
  7. This post above is fake - I never wrote that, it has been altered.⬆️
  8. I think it's a combination of things, but that played a part somehow. We just don't know what and why for sure, other than she spoke to Paul fine before. But yeah the last time i saw her this upset was last year.
  9. Just had a short call to Paul a few minutes ago. But don't forget the call late Saturday and the going out first thing Sunday too....
  10. I realise i'm being hypocritical here, telling her she should go out and speak to someone, when i myself am doing the exact opposite - I'm keeping myself indoors alone and that is my choice. So yes Leora, if you wish not to talk to someone and be alone - Do as you want. I should not be telling you what to do.
  11. Which is what we are doing but right now she's in a bad way, maybe getting off cam would help for a while, even just a couple of hours.
  12. You know what, i suggest putting the apt UM right now.
  13. Yep, she needs to get her shoes on and get outside for a while.
  14. Not for the first time have i said this since she's been on her own, but certainly things like today are the times she looks like she really needed someone to talk to. It has happened quite a few times, whether it's feeling unwell or feeling down. But in the last 2 months, there have been several times where she for me has needed that shoulder to cry on. You just don't know what will happen in life do you, and things can spring up out of nowhere. But there has been noticeable up and downs in recent weeks, more than she expected i'm sure.
  15. It's a decent valid question - But we cannot answer it. Only she can.
  16. Well all speculation at the moment isn't it. She's put an even bigger coat on now. It's funny in a sad way when you think of the 'job', right now she probably wants to be unwatched, yet she knows we can see her every move. Being on camera 24/7 isn't all fun is it?
  17. The call she had was brief and a bit narky (i.e didn't sound too happy) but nothing to suggest something bad. So it's all guesswork. I do think it's more than one thing, and most likely part of it involves someone in Prague.
  18. We don't know. No call - She went in and started crying straight away, so i think she went in to do that. It could be hormonal, but it looks like a few things could be bothering her. But as far as what, we can't say as we don't know.
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