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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Yeah, you might get a dance out of her during it, seems to go hand in hand now!
  2. She sort of did, in a little way didn't she not long ago, when she got them out for him in bed that morning, and again towards the end of the call. It did make me laugh, he was talking and she just did it and suddenly he went quiet! But yeah, she should do, maybe she feels she doesn't need to, words mean more.
  3. Not them all but a lot! Certainly all the dates of the girls together, but often those days coincide with solo play too. Like that Striptease was Nov 7th (just checked!)
  4. That's it then, i was confusing 2 different things. LR not kitchen. Sorted!
  5. That's the mystery isn't it. But as far as i'm concerned, she made the call, it was right on 1am, i'm sure they'd been texting an hour earlier and it was clearly ok until the last bit. And going out this morning as soon as she got up, well, i've seen this happen twice before. So going off just that, and she looked upset when she came back in again, points right to LB.
  6. It was just something i seem to recall, one of those things, someone i remember saying "Well that didn't take her long" sort of thing. Maybe i'm confusing 2 different incidents.
  7. She did a Striptease for Paul on Skype early November last year, it was a Saturday night when Malia was out overnight. First on the bed then moved to the couch and placed the tablet in between her legs so he could see. And i think he himself may have been doing similar too on his side, from what i could see.....
  8. Maybe i got the 'location' wrong, but i seem to remember her doing something the day Paul left?
  9. Oh was the kitchen before Paul went? I thought it was just after.
  10. Well, maybe today she is doing something else, Sundays can be at the salon, cleaning the place etc, but that this morning - I've seen happen twice before, after similar incidents.
  11. There's been a screenshot of it put up only this week in fact, January 2020?
  12. I must say, kind of flattering that i log in and i am greeted with people asking me "What do you think?" 😃 Well, my own opinion, after last night? Simple. I could be wrong but.... Crisis Meeting.
  13. Hi Patou, Yes another fairly quiet night, she just watched TV after bating but she did cry at the end of that long call, you could hear it. She seemed ok later but someone made her upset for sure. No idea what she has planned for today.
  14. I've no idea, it's the obvious thing to think, but it may not be. But she was upset for sure, i could see it in her eyes when she came out too.
  15. Yes, her voice went loud and then it cracked, she was crying for sure. I didn't hear any talk after that point, but she cried again soon after.
  16. I think i heard her crying then. I hope it's not to do with anything back home.
  17. I doubt it somehow. But she has made the late calls very late recently, 2 nights ago it was only 15 minutes earlier than this.
  18. It might as well be a million times, just no getting through is there. Waste of time by now explaining. Some will never listen.
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