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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. At least she has the common sense to put a cardigan on for once. But still, next thing will be coughing and sneezing again.....
  2. Hang on Patou! It's just one day, they spoke yesterday! It will be ok, i am sure! Don't read anything into it.
  3. Yes but, she felt unwell quite late on, so think of the time difference, it was well after midnight for him, and besides, he could be busy for all we know. What you would think is she'd call her 'Boyfriend' in the same town for a sympathetic ear. That didn't happen.
  4. No, she hasn't had any calls at all since speaking to Paul yesterday morning, of course she may have done outside but none in the apartment since coming home last night.
  6. So she gets in bed at 11pm as she feels poorly. 4 hours later, still awake staring at the phone. She ain't helping herself, at least try to sleep! Instagram will still be there in the morning, i'm sure!
  7. 2 minutes! Is that a record!
  8. She's been reading a lot, that's what she was doing, she couldn't sleep before. And she grabbed her belly yet again just now. Because she is used to sleeping so late, it's keeping her awake.
  9. Go to sleep Leora, you're not feeling good. At least try!
  10. She could be in for a long night here, not sleeping well anyway. Her eyes are wide open.
  11. Yep in bed going to sleep. Not feeling good at all tonight. Perhaps also lost in thought too.
  12. She feels crap, i can tell. That's twice she has felt her face with the back of her hand, she must have a temperature. Plus the belly ache, guess she's about to start.
  13. Why, have i done before? Apologies if i have, not intended. Remember this, what was there when you first fell for her, or rather who was always there with her? That's what needs to be taken into consideration. We followed her all those years and it Leora AND Paul. He was a big reason she was what she was - And LB is a big reason she is what she is now. As far as i'm concerned, quite different overall. Plus you never know, if it wasn't for Paul, we may have never seen her in the first place.
  14. These fucking cams! All week they haven't loaded properly.
  15. Yeah, the last thing she needs is a Tearjerker on TV, with her hormones now all over the place!
  16. I have to say, seeing the chat now, about whether or not Leora is the same as what she was, well, for me certainly she isn't. And this is more to do with the overall change in her life outside, not inside, as well as mentally. And it's not to do with Malia (although that contributed inside yes), she's gone for good, it's how Leora has chosen to live now, in Prague, incorporating everything, and it's all her choice indeed. But to quote Ste that he "can't see Leora been able to go back to them days", i actually can see how it can indeed happen. And i know that a lot won't like me saying this, and i can see reasons why, but for me, this is how she would indeed go back to being more like the Leora we knew before moving to Prague. It may not happen, it may well do - But one thing will take it. One thing would bring her back from up in the clouds, the thing she herself is still hoping for. Paul.
  17. Is there is one thing i can say for absolute certainty, that ain't gonna happen!!😄
  18. She's got stomach ache, grabbing her belly and wincing. Has her Auntie signalled her arrival?
  19. She's changed it about 10 minutes ago, had the black long sleeve on but took it off and is in negligee instead. But there's your dance for you! Goes hand in hand!
  20. Only Leora can make an Ironing session last so long - 10% ironing, 10% song choice, 80% texting.....
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