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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. And slices of bread to mop up with. Good girl!! Too tempting, i'm going to have to have the same now....Yet eating the American way, cutting all the bacon up and then eating the individual pieces. No!
  2. A PROPER FULL ENGLISH FRY UP!!!!! GET IN!!!! & a cup of Tea with it. No HP Brown sauce though.....On the shopping list Leora....
  3. Well right now, i'm complaining that i've lost my Lighter.
  4. ....And by the time we realised, it was all too late. What could have been, but hey ho! History now.
  5. Malia got her off faster than now, as far as i can see! Yes a different scenario, if others disagree that's absolutely fine, but it's there in my opinion.
  6. Right now she is using 'Neveready' batteries.....
  7. Well she may need a different toy, looks like she broke it! 😆
  8. Yeah, Thursday but - Depends on the weekend plans!😆
  9. Well unless it was cancelled, she fired off Dance class tonight, so there may be an early night. For her anyway, that could still be well after midnight. She needs to get her erratic sleep pattern better controlled.
  10. So do i, which is why her with Malia was so good. But that's all gone now, won't ever return. She only has herself and no one else. Speaking of which, it could be a show night.
  11. A laugh and a glance to cam 2. She is quite giddy today.....🤨
  12. Talking to Paul now. I was after today, just thinking how bizarre it all still is, but then again, reminded myself that it's been even worse than this in the past.
  13. With all respect, you haven't heard all the arguments, especially last year. Believe me, she controls the whole thing.
  14. Brokk, if the bubble hasn't burst after 18 months of such turbulence and weirdness, it may never do. Something unexplainable is keeping this together. There's been far too much heartache and make-ups by this point to understand the whole package by now. There could be something we are all unaware of.
  15. I know, only wants to see him PART time, yet behaving like it's FULL time, how upset/Angry she gets with him. It's half Friends With Benefits/Half Total Devotion, which in itself is bizarre. Wanting her cake and eating it. I think it's all about power and control over him. As i have said before - LB is a substitute, not a replacement for Paul. But she can't let him go, because he fits the bill and she would have to start all over again and perhaps never get this lucky again. Right now, it's as full on as it's ever been, where he becomes 'Extra Special'. And maybe because she is now alone. She needs him more than ever.
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