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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Her rear is now out in front! 😂 This looks like it could take some time yet!
  2. Well you know her text lectures, done while looking fucked off? Then a call ensues which may involve some shouting? The call hasn't happened. Yet. Let's see what time the bate begins.
  3. Now, the reason i get that is because i heard him mentioned once by Artie Lange! Germaphobe.
  4. Must have forgot she has a heavy cold....😄
  5. You have to say this - She is now beating an entire party all by herself! (Well, she was!)😄
  6. Tease starts 23.01. There MAY be an interruption though....
  7. Someone must have said the wrong thing, because she has a lot to say back....
  8. Yes and she unwrapped and just ate it, cheese and bread.
  9. Cheeses! Oh, not a curry then. Is cheese good for a cold?
  10. Her shirt was in Malia's room, put the food in the kitchen and now in the phone box.
  11. Dunno but something isn't quite right. And if she writes a lot looking pissed off, that's to one person. When she falls out with you-know-who, she gets angry. When she falls out with Paul, she gets upset. That's the difference.
  12. No food is here, but a call could have been made as well, 15 minutes.... And she hasn't looked happy since coming home and had a lot to say on text by the looks of it.
  13. Oh that's a great cure, wouldn't half give her ringsting though.....
  14. Well she does, but in terms of this, only she can answer your question!
  15. To get back in, her card that is the entry key is kept in the case, Malia did the same.
  16. A lot of texting, not looking too happy either. Surely not! Just 2 weeks? Again??
  17. Yeah it's been shitty for the last day for me.
  18. Is it just me or are the cams freezing and not loading for anyone else?
  19. Well she's settle now on the couch, but i imagine nothing for a while yet though. Thursday night! 😉
  20. Looking at it again, it looks as if she thought she'd shut it! Pushes it but walks off, i bet she thought it was shut! And she didn't even notice when she came back!
  21. I don't know how close or far it is, but i imagine it's not just round the corner. But her training alone takes her away as simply she has to do it, if she wants to make a good stab at this herself in the future.
  22. She does help out after they close, cleaning the place, that does play a part in her work there, that is true. And that could have been the case tonight. It's the taking off the coat that made it look dubious, like she was close by, like she hadn't gone very far. That's what made everyone think the inevitable.
  23. Don't think so, it sounded more like about the salon. I do wonder if that is where she went actually rather than LB, it's possible, and if that's the case i will be first to hold my hands up. But everyone thought the same thing - And after this last week, we can't be blamed for doing so.
  24. Well she's back, an hour and three quarters later. Now, how's the stuff in the fridge? She may have to throw some away now!
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