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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Have a quick look, the stats are terrible! You see the graph, that says it all.
  2. According to Alexa ratings tonight, RLC is now #8,964, a drop of nearly 2,000 places since last week. This is spectacularly dropping by the week!
  3. I totally agree, and this is what i have said before, as i knew it would happen. When Malia left, she had 2 options. To carry on doing what she was doing (LB, salon girls etc) and leave an empty apt a lot, risking the wrath of forum members, or stay home a lot more. She did the latter, but now alone she had to fill the time with more shows, but it worked and people were on the whole happy. NOW, a few weeks later, the situation changes? And she is out a lot more - Coincidentally the same time LB is back in business. So we now see shows one after the other, sometimes being prepped as soon as she gets home, sometimes 2 in the same night. As you say, stops mid- clean or mid- iron for a few minutes of 'spontaneous' dance - Like 'I better do this', then we don't see her, her mind is elsewhere. That balance we talked about already looks wobbly. And not for the first time, it centers around other things. Only how i see it, but this last 2 weeks, has been quite different in tone/mood. And i knew this was inevitable. And by doing SO many shows, it quickly becomes expected, this is how she backs herself into a corner! Yes, she has the courses, classes, all that, we know - But....When LB is back, it changes so much overall, because we have seen this happen for 17 months now. There's no getting away from it. He has affected things for her (Good and bad) much more than i think even she herself realises. Whether he's pissed her off, or made her feel like a princess, he has played an enormous role in how she is when WE see her, and when we DON'T see her too (Which is really what i'm getting at here, her mood inside the apartment is very often affected with how things are outside too - Who did she call just before leaving at 01.30am Saturday as a perfect example?). I'll refer back once again to that 'Golden' week last September, for 8 nights the girls played together in some way. And it was all triggered by a big row with LB. From Tuesday to the following Wednesday, they had fun each night. On the Thursday, she finally called him up again. It all stopped with Malia just like that for a while. This is the affect. I cannot say who's birthday it is for sure, i don't know what time she'll be home, but overall....The last 2 weeks are making more sense now. LB is definitely back again. It's been slowly building.
  4. Well, dare i say.....Is it why we see a glut of shows together then a quiet time following? 2/3 days then 2/3 days....Patterns seem to have emerged. (In my own opinion) Especially as LB is back with a bang (no pun intended). 😲
  5. Yes she did, in the paper bag. She was showing it to Paul on skype before, Patou is correct. But she has been in contact with both men today. So, the same as any day then.
  6. No, none to either. She probably spoke to Paul outside though, because she had a call about an issue back home that's been worrying her for the last couple of weeks, but it sounds like it's now a lot better, i'm happy to say. And you could see it was a weight off her mind after looking down when she first came home, she perked up after this as she then started cleaning. So Paul will have been told about it i'm sure.
  7. I have no idea, seriously! Unless it's down to not being 100% positive all the time. Considering some of the things written by others, it must make me the biggest twat of all of all time! Perhaps i just tell it like it is, that as great as she can be, she is not infallible.
  8. Oh of course, especially if it's 'In' this month! No matter what, if something is the thing to have, they have to show it off! That's 2021 for you!
  9. Stanley Kubrick was asked by NASA to direct the footage of the Moon Landing to convince the public it was real. He agreed, but insisted for authenticity and visual clarity, that the footage should be shot on the Moon.
  10. A picture of a bath with just water in? Weird thing to send as a tease! Whoever it was must have seen a bath before!😄 Besides she's done a lot more for Paul than that on Skype anyway.😉
  11. Just taken a photo of her empty bubble bath (before she got in it i mean) and sent it in a message to someone....🤨
  12. Fight Fire With Fire, they say. That's why my dad got thrown out of the Fire Brigade.
  13. A great example of how brilliant Norm MacDonald was (RIP). This week, the world's richest 10 year old celebrated her birthday. Just how rich is she? Well, at the party....There were 2 cakes.
  14. I realise now why my Dog is so confused, when i say that it's time for walkies. I probably shouldn't have given it the name Sit.
  15. I bought a pack of powdered water. I have no idea what to add to it.
  16. I decided to read the whole Dictionary, from start to finish. Turns out the Zebra did it.
  17. Still doesn't look too happy, threw her head back and sighed after texting. We don't know why but hopefully it's nothing bad.
  18. Depends on how she is when she comes back in. She (for me) has either gone to speak on the phone away from us, or someone has arrived to see her, and that can only be one person. But her overall look wasn't like she was looking forward to it, she seemed down.
  19. She went out with her phone. She was looking at it as soon as she came in and kept sighing, and after putting the shopping away, left. She doesn't look happy, but more down than annoyed. I wonder if she may have had some bad news. Let's hope not.
  20. So you're now Sleep Posting? Impressive! 😄
  21. No, just one of her full days. Three things it could be a combination of - The salon training, the language course and LB. It could be any of those. But i imagine she will be back not too late.
  22. Hard to say and we obviously have no chance of knowing, but coming back and leaving with her bag means to me she has been doing more than one thing, whether LB is part of it, unknown. Timewise means nothing as classes are very often at night due to people working in the daytime. Then again, we don't know if today involves either the Salon or a class for sure. But if he IS part of today, don't be surprised at all. Or the rest of the week as well, if he is the Perfect Man again.
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