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Everything posted by BenCoudon

  1. I'm repeating myself but this is quite annoying. For about 1 hour, he rubbed her ass, inserted his finger and gave her a rather erotic massage. But, instead to keep going and have normal sex, he left her alone in the living room and went to watch porn on his PC. And, as usual, jurked off under the desk. How could a guy being with a beautiful hot woman like Azenka would prefer to jurk off watching porn instead of having sex with her. That is beyond my understanding This guy needs psychological assistance.
  2. C'est revenue a la normale. Ils ont pousser le lit pour regarder un film sur le grand mur. Ce n'est pas la premiere fois que des locataires changent les meubles de place Mario etait un expert dans le domaine
  3. If we start a discussion as which girl has the nicest tits, we will still argue in 5 years. One prefer small ones while others prefers big tits. As far as I'm concerned, what ever exceeds the size of my hand is total waste ^^^^ But it comes down to everyone's choice.
  4. This is the girl that slept over S&H twice thus far and so afraid of the camera that she sleeps fully dressed while her BF is horny as hell. So don't expect much of her
  5. yep And I have the feeling that he got himself a job because for the last few weeks, he is gone all day. So its time for him to get his own appartment We might start to see Suzan and H resume sex in the living room
  6. Looks like Guest 1 (Hector's Brother) is leaving He is taking all his clothes out and packing Too bad :( I enjoyed watching his girlfriend every weekend :P
  7. She got the right guy with Efim. He proved us several times that he can easily cum 6 times a day. Happy wife, happy life ....
  8. Its time for a major spring clean-up Paul, Stepan, Mario, Demid, Lev, Daniel, Nina & Kira Sabrina.. Time to kiss all of them goodbye. We have seen more than enough of those people. Bring fresh skin
  9. On n'a vraiment pas la meme lecture de cette appartement. Ce mec est completement accrocher a la porno sur son PC. Souvent elle le suplie de la satisfaire et il l'ignore. Meme lorsqu'il s'occupe d'elle, en general c'est avec ses doigts et non pas sa grosse queue. Et lorsqu'elle dort, il va se branler devant son PC. Il se branle au moins 10 fois pour 1 fois qu'il la baise. Et ce n'est pas elle qui le refuse, bien au contraire. Il semble preferer jouir avec sa main au lieu satisfaire sa femme. Il est possible que ce soit a cause des cameras. Lorsqu'il se branle, il s'assure que sa queue est sous le bureau. Tout ce qui est visible cest son bras qui bouge. Alors que lorsqu'il baise, il doit la montrer. Je ne vois pas d'autres explications car ce mec a recu plus d'offres de baiser en 1 mois qu'un mec normalement en recoit en 1 an. Malgre tout, il prefere sa porno sur son pc Ca deviens de plus en plus ennuyant cette appartement. Peu de personnes paye le premium pour voir un bras branler une queue sous le bureau
  10. Peut etre que tu ne regarde pas aux bonnes heures car il y a eu plus de baises dans cette appartement depuis 2 mois que dans toutes les autres appartements réunis. Suzan et Hector baisent 4 a 5 fois par semaine et, a tous les weekends, la copine de Guest 1 le visite et ils baisent 2 ou 3 fois en 12 heures.
  11. Yesterday, for a rare occurrence, they had full sex together. Started in the living room and they went outside on the balcony to finish it off. But most of times, he masturbates watching porn instead of taking care of her needs. And, when he is with her, most times he only uses his fingers. then, when she is asleep, he jurks off watching porn on the computer. I'm loosing total interest in this room
  12. RLC has been extremely active banning accounts that posts pictures or videos
  13. Guest 2 (the guy who was sleeping on the couch) left 1 week ago. Guest 1 (the one identified as Hector's Brother) still there and sleeps in the guest room. His girlfriend visits every weekend. Friday, there were other guests there. She seems related to Suzan. They slept on the couch. But they don't do anything as she is very shy of the camera
  14. Thursday night Guest 1 returned home drunk. Hector forced him in the bathroom and pour water on his head. Was rather funny to see him not able to walk without help. Sure enough, he went to bed early to sober up. Friday night, his girlfriend was back again (3rd weekend in a row) and he fucked her with passion. But once again, he had to do all the work, she laid down without participating. And she keeps her bra regardless of what he is doing to her. Poor guy. He should know there are girl out there much better in bed. She should get a training from Suzan: How to have sex. She never bath or shower when she spends weekends there. Too bad because she looks quite pretty. At least, last night she was not watching a movie while being fucked. (Reason is because the other guest had the laptop). Concerning the other guests who slept on the couch Friday night, they are the ones that slept in S&H bed few weeks ago. The girl is completely afraid of the cameras and goes to bed fully dressed. Remember that the guy tried big time to get things going but she turned him down. Last night, he didn't even try. He was hard in his tight brief (the bulge was obvious) but she was fully dressed so he didn't even try. Not much to expect from them.
  15. Guest 2 is not there. He left mid-day on Saturday. 3rd night in a row that he's not sleeping there. May be he is gone for a while or permanently? Time will tell
  16. Not sure what's in the air in Prague these days but those guys are really horny. This is at least the 6th time they have sex in the last 4 days. And Suzan experiencing screaming orgasms each time. She gonna wakeup the whole city :) And Guest 1 hiding his head under the pillow to muffle the noise LOL
  17. Guitar guest, my girlfriend is really hoping to see you blow your load one more time before you leave. Tonight you are sleeping fully clothed on the couch. She wishes to see you have your last sleep hard and naked on that couch LOL
  18. Second weekend in a row that Guest 1 's girlfriend showed up. Didn't waste much time and went to bed. I feel sorry for Guest 1. This girl is probably the worst lover I've seen. She doesn't do anything. She insists to have a laptop on the night table and, while he is fucking her, she keeps watching the movie. This is the 3rd time I see them fucking and never she touched his genitals, no BJ, nothing. She lays down on the bed hoping he will be done soon. Last week, she kept her bra. this time, she also kept her tshirt and her panty. She should seriously think to become a nun. But I'm impressed by Guest 1. For the first round, the kid was able to last 50 minutes despite the lack of participation. And, 90 minutes later, he was up for the second round and, although I didn't watch it all, he was already way over 30 minutes when I left. He deserves a better girl in his bed. Hector & Suzan were away and came back as the 1rst round of Gest 1 came to an end. But as Guest 1 started round 2, S&H also got things going. I'd love to be a fly on the wall to hear the screaming coming from both bedrooms. No sound in guest's bedroom but Suzan was screaming loud enough to be heard all over Europe :) Guest 2 is not home tonight. May be he didn't want to be alone and have to listen to the screaming of two horny couples :)
  19. \that seems the patern with this guy. Long moments of snuggeling, and patting but rarely he fucks her. He seems to try to please her with his fingers but prefers to cum while jerking off watching porn This guy jurks off at least twice a day but I yet to see him giving his gf an orgasm. I'm not impressed
  20. The guest that is sleeping on the sofa at Dasha & Demid, (Guitarists) talks to us here. therefore I presume that he has access to RLC in Russia
  21. And that is how I see it. And thanks for sharing your opinions. But we can disagree with someone's opinion :)
  22. This happens on a daily basis. Yesterday, she was taking a bath and she tried everything to get him in the bathtub. He declined and went back to the computer and jurked off watching porn. Everytime I watch this apartment, she is alone and he is jurking off watching porn. Most of times, she is naked (or almost naked) in the apartment but the guy prefers jurking off watching porn. And he is hiding under the desk so the only thing one may see is the movement of his arm. Rather boring.
  23. I don't agree with alanohio this is currently one of the most interesting room on RLC. Is there an unlimited variation of script during sex? True that the presence of the 2 guests limits them to the bedroom. But they still take all kind of positions and toilet paper is not always used: Suzan swallows on a regular basis. Also keep in mind that viewing of RLC is not limited to men. There are lots of women, bisexual and gay people watching. And, for that audience, those two athletic young men gives them the chance to watch perfectly shaped naked guys. To quote my girlfriend, " what a change compared to Paul, Lev, Mario and others. And they have great cock, especially Guest 2" The presence of the guests also gave us the chance to watch Guest 1 girlfriend. She was there for only 1 night last weekend but they fucked more over a 12 hours period than half of the other couples on RLC in 2 weeks. Hector has improved a lot since they moved in. He used to sleep with a knife, was extremely arrogant and they were fighting a lot. Now, he shows lots of affection to Suzan, often hold her hand, etc. And lets face it: his performance in bed is probably the best of all couples on RCL. He makes her climax almost every time they have sex. In the early days, they were both masturbating often. Not anymore. They seems to have mature to the point that they satisfy each other pretty damn good. And that is nice to see. Finally, an other reason that makes this apartment interesting is the fact that the tenants are up late at night. For viewers in North America, it gives us something to watch in our time zone. Around 9h00 pm eastern time, most of the apartments are in the dark and tenants are snoring. I agree that the apartment is small and outdated. Too many dead angles with the camera. Not sure if the tenants are rewarded based on the number of viewers but I'm pretty sure that this apartment's viewing hours have significantly increased since the arrival of the two guests .
  24. At the beginning of both rounds, he tried to hide. First time they had sex with camera around. But when things got going, underware, blankets or any other tentatives to hide were gone He fucked the girl twice in less than 1 hour and, the second time, fucked her non stop for over 30 minutes. We have to admit that it was a helluva good performance to last that long, especially because, we think, it was at least several weeks (may be over 1 month) since they didn't have sex. Got the impression she screamed so loud that both Hector and Guest 2 heard them. I was watching Guest 2 on the couch and he was laughing on several occasions. For a first time experience under the camera, I give them A+
  25. A new girl, Guest 1 Girlfriend has arrived Already in bed with Guest 1
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