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Everything posted by hampelo

  1. its a huge space designed for entertaining... interesting they should choose the twins to start up the new place.... they are neither entertaining nor heavy entertainers... it may simply be timing. this should give KKK the opportunity to slip into well-deserved oblivion!
  2. if this continues as B1, this will be a 4500 sq ft waste of space. my guess is... this will NOT change their personalities.
  3. my guess is the place is about 4500 sq ft. here would rent for 3500-4500 USD. in case you were wondering where your subscription money is going...
  4. I am pretty sure the guy's name is Richard because he sure acts like a Dick
  5. won't miss her if she leaves. she thought her job last night was "cock blocker"
  6. question: how did that beautiful girl make herself look that terrible? the hair, the makeup, the clothes.... none of it works at all. yikes!
  7. the gay male one?? yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. jeka hasn't spent any time in this house in months. before the current mussed sheets it was Jeff and violet. why any room has his name on it is beyond me.
  9. they are acting like they have nothing to lose. maybe last day?
  10. Even i have to admit, that is really bad for business!
  11. much as I like this site, they can ill afford to have the attractiveness of the women get worse. at this point, the average is not very good. for me, if a woman is not attractive enough that I would consider dating her, I have no interest in what she does and most definitely don't care to see her and some other unattractive person in their intimate moments. if this seems shallow, remember that we do not get to know these women... any greatness of their personality that could overcome a lack of looks is hidden behind the language barrier.
  12. this may happen but where is the gain. get rid of the two beautiful girls and replace them with a couple from another apartment? I highly doubt the girls are the problem and they are at the very top of the girls on this site. to lose them before they have any chance to find new guys seems very short sighted.
  13. if it is the same old hall camera then it is poor quality has no audio has no night vision is poorly placed I hope Jeka doesn't put this bit of work on his resume
  14. it makes me wonder how much money it takes to make someone live in misery.
  15. he is VERY aware of the cameras at EVERY moment. he looks so nervous he is almost shaking. this is definitely a difficult way for him to live. I have no idea why he continues to live here.
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